If you didn't hear David Frei say it, but none of these breeds have won #BestInShow at the #NationalDogShow before. #NationalDogShow2022
#bestinshow #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
Ok, this #AmStaff is an absolute unit and I love him. #NationalDogShow #NationalDogShow2022
#amstaff #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
The treeing walker coonhound is so majestic. #NationalDogShow #NationalDogShow2022
#nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
CRowd clearly likes the #malamute. #NationalDogShow #NationalDogShow2022
#malamute #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
The coloring on the German shepherd is lovely.
#nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
#MALAMUTE WINS THE #WORKING GROUP! In reality, the whole lineup going into the #BestInShow ring is pretty solid.
#malamute #working #bestinshow #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
CAn't help but love the #Komondor. #NationalDogShow #NationalDogShow2022
#komondor #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
Oh my god, it's a #GreatDane named T'Challa! Also, NEOPOLITAN MASTIFF WRINKLES! #NationalDogShow #NationalDogShow2022
#greatdane #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
#Malamute! So pretty. I really want him to start having a fun little tantrum on the sidelines, as malamutes are wont to do.
#malamute #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
Ok, this is probably the fluffiest group. #WorkingGroup #NationalDogShow #NationalDogShow2022
#workinggroup #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
Hehehe. Oh that #Frenchie is so excited to have taken the group. And now back to Steve Kornacki!
#frenchie #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
That #Frenchie is a little tank. #NationalDogShow #NationalDogShow2022
#frenchie #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
Ok, I think the name of the American Eskimo Dog needs to be changed. Come on, #AKC. You need to realize that "eskimo" is no longer an acceptable term, even if you're talking about a #dog
#akc #dog #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
Oh that #bulldog! Oh my god. Just want to play with those jowls!
#bulldog #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
Here we go! Let's see who takes the #sporting group! #NationalDogShow #NationalDogShow2022
#sporting #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
I've never seen a #BraccoItaliano until now. But it's good-looking dog. I dig the coloring and I'm a sucker for jowls.
#braccoitaliano #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
#dog #herding #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
And now we're onto the #bergamasco. Also a Muppet.
#bergamasco #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
Those ears on the #pumi are ridiculous. Such a Muppet.
#pumi #nationaldogshow #nationaldogshow2022
Look at this #SmoothCollie. Love the coloring. #NationalDogShow2022 #NationalDogShow
#smoothcollie #nationaldogshow2022 #nationaldogshow