@david I have a problem. Nobody here in #Taiwan hears about #NationalDrinkWineday or National pizza day (if there is such a thing) or etc. until the day after here in Taiwan. Thankfully when I got up this morning (Sunday) and found out it was National Drink Wine day in the US (Saturday) I remembered the enjoyable #wine I had last night with dinner.
#taiwan #nationaldrinkwineday #wine
🍷February 18th is #DrinkWineDay so raise your glass and offer libations to #Antinous/#Dionysus/#Bacchus. #nationaldrinkwineday🍷
#drinkwineday #antinous #nationaldrinkwineday
Pour a glass of wine and raise it to #Dionysos today in celebation of the god for #NationalDrinkWineDay 🍷
He has some advice on drinking:
“Three bowls only do I mix for the temperate — one to health, which they empty first, the second to love and pleasure, the third to sleep. When this is drunk up wise guests go home. The fourth bowl is ours no longer, but belongs to violence.”
Deipnosophistaí by Athenaios
#dionysos #nationaldrinkwineday #greekgods #ancientgreece
I'm only finding out now that today is #NationalDrinkWineDay. I don't know what the difference is when you can celebrate by drinking wine everyday.
On National Drink Wine Day, let's raise a glass to the power of innovation and the mysteries of the universe! Did you know the voltaic pile, the first battery, used wine to create an electrical current? Coincidentally, it's also National Battery Day, so let's pour one out for Pluto, the former planet that still captures our imaginations and inspires us to explore the far reaches of the solar system. 🍷🔋🪐 #NationalDrinkWineDay #NationalBatteryDay #PlutoDay
#nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #plutoday
#holidays #WorldWhaleDay, #WorldPangolinDay, #NationalCrabStuffedFlounderDay, #NationalDrinkWineDay, #NationalBatteryDay, #CowMilkedWhileFlyingInAnAirplaneDay, #ThumbAppreciationDay, #RedSockDay, #PlutoDay
#holidays #worldwhaleday #worldpangolinday #nationalcrabstuffedflounderday #nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #cowmilkedwhileflyinginanairplaneday #thumbappreciationday #redsockday #plutoday
#holidays #WorldWhaleDay, #WorldPangolinDay, #NationalCrabStuffedFlounderDay, #NationalDrinkWineDay, #NationalBatteryDay, #CowMilkedWhileFlyingInAnAirplaneDay, #ThumbAppreciationDay, #RedSockDay, #PlutoDay
#holidays #worldwhaleday #worldpangolinday #nationalcrabstuffedflounderday #nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #cowmilkedwhileflyinginanairplaneday #thumbappreciationday #redsockday #plutoday
Its #NationalDrinkWineDay, which is kind of like the movie 'Ground Hog Day', especially with those who drink the same #wine every time.
Instead, I prefer to commemorate #TheNationalDrinkWineDay. Here is the band The National drinking wine.
"I'm a festival, I'm a parade/And all the wine is all for me" -- The National
#nationaldrinkwineday #wine #thenationaldrinkwineday #thenational #winelover #musiclover #wineinlyrics
🍷February 18th is #DrinkWineDay so raise your glass and offer libations to #Antinous/#Dionysus/#Bacchus. #nationaldrinkwineday🍷
#drinkwineday #antinous #nationaldrinkwineday