The low winters sun passes through the vertices of beech through to conifer maintenance.
Much of #Wentwood is planted #AncientWoodland, and much of it is in the process of restoration.
#Newport @CoedCadw #NatResWales #NationalForestWales
#trees #woodland #photography
#photography #woodland #trees #nationalforestwales #natreswales #newport #AncientWoodland #wentwood
Wentwood - a planted #AncientWoodland, a #NatResWales @CoedCadw and #NationalForestWales site.
Low afternoon winters sun passes through the vertices of conifer.
#photography #trees #forest #woodland #nationalforestwales #natreswales #AncientWoodland
Rydym yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i roi cyfle i bob cartref yng Nghymru blannu #coeden i helpu i fynd i’r afael â’r argyfwng hinsawdd.
The Welsh Government and @CoedCadw, the Woodland Trust in #Wales are offering trees to households in Wales, free of charge. The trees will help tackle the effects of #climatechange.
Find your local free tree hub
#FyNghoedenEinCoedwig #MyTreeOurForest #Cymru #Wales #NationalForestWales
#nationalforestwales #cymru #mytreeourforest #fynghoedeneincoedwig #climatechange #Wales #coeden