It is #nationalgingerbreadcookieday!
Betty Frey and Miriam Martin, both members of the a Mennonite community near Toronto, get ready to serve up some delicious gingerbread cookies on July 31, 1972.
📸Toronto Star TS-2-125-GO-060
#CanadaHistoryWeek #History #Canada #Gingerbread #Histodon #Histodons
#nationalgingerbreadcookieday #canadahistoryweek #history #canada #gingerbread #histodon #histodons
Happy #GingerbreadDay - heute ist i d USA Nationaler Lebkuchentag.
Die Weihnachtsbäckerei öffnet ihre Pforten. 🍪 Passend dazu feiern die USA den 21. November als nationalen Tag der Lebkuchen-Plätzchen (engl. National Gingerbread Cookie Day). Guten Appetit. 🍪 #NationalGingerbreadCookieDay
#gingerbreadday #nationalgingerbreadcookieday