Hurricane Lee could become a Cat 5 :
Lee was not expected to make landfall while on a projected path that will take it near the northeast Caribbean, although forecasters said tropical storm conditions are possible on some islands.
#Category5 #Hurricane #Lee #NationalHurricaneCenter
#Miami #news
#category5 #hurricane #lee #nationalhurricanecenter #miami #News
Idalia now a Cat 4, storm surge could be 'catastrophic' :
alia was projected to come ashore as a Category 4 storm with sustained winds of at least 130 mph in the lightly populated Big Bend region
#BigBend #Evacuation #GulfofMexico #Hurricane #Idalia #NationalHurricaneCenter #RonDesantis #tropicalweather
#Miami #news
#bigbend #evacuation #gulfofmexico #hurricane #idalia #nationalhurricanecenter #rondesantis #tropicalweather #miami #News
Idalia now a hurricane, Gulf coast in crosshairs :
Idalia is expected to start affecting Florida with hurricane-force winds as soon as late Tuesday and arrive on the coast by Wednesday.
#Evacuation #flooding #Hurricane #Idalia #NationalHurricaneCenter #RonDesantis #stormsurge
#Miami #news
#evacuation #flooding #hurricane #idalia #nationalhurricanecenter #rondesantis #stormsurge #miami #News
Idalia becomes a tropical storm, aims at Florida :
The greatest threat was to Florida’s west coast, and storm watches may be issued later today. Forecasters said portions of Florida could get 3 to 6 inches of rain.
#ClimateChange #GulfofMexico #Idalia #NationalHurricaneCenter #SeaSurfaceTemperature #TropicalStorm
#Miami #news
#climatechange #gulfofmexico #idalia #nationalhurricanecenter #seasurfacetemperature #tropicalstorm #miami #News
Flooding, landslides feared in Hispaniola :
Franklin was expected to swirl above the island for most of Wednesday, with forecasters warning the storm could dump up to 10 inches of rain
#DominicanRepublic #flooding #Franklin #Haiti #Hurricane #landslide #NationalHurricaneCenter #TropicalStorm #tropicalweather
#Miami #news
#dominicanrepublic #flooding #franklin #haiti #hurricane #landslide #nationalhurricanecenter #tropicalstorm #tropicalweather #miami #News
Tropical storm floods California, followed by earthquake :
Southern California got another surprise Sunday afternoon as an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.1 hit near Ojai, about 80 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles,
#flooding #Hilary #NationalHurricaneCenter #rainfall #SanDiego #SouthernCalifornia #TropicalStorm
#Miami #news
#flooding #hilary #nationalhurricanecenter #rainfall #sandiego #southerncalifornia #tropicalstorm #miami #News
Hurricane Hilary moves within striking distance of California :
Forecasters said the storm was still expected to enter the history books as the first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years.
#BajaCalifornia #flashflooding #Hilary #Hurricane #NationalHurricaneCenter #SanDiego
#Miami #news
#bajacalifornia #flashflooding #hilary #hurricane #nationalhurricanecenter #sandiego #miami #News
Bret having trouble getting organized, may not reach hurricane status :
"The new forecast now shows dissipation by day five, but if the global models are correct, that could occur even sooner,” wrote Hurricane Specialist Robbie Berg.
#Bret #NationalHurricaneCenter #RobbieBerg #TropicalStormBret #tropicalweather
#Miami #news
#bret #nationalhurricanecenter #robbieberg #tropicalstormbret #tropicalweather #miami #News
Bret becomes a tropical storm, forecast is 'low confidence.' :
Meteorologists at the National Hurricane Center said there’s a lot of uncertainty in computer forecast models, but they advised people in Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and nearby islands to monitor Bret closely.
#Bret #computermodel #NationalHurricaneCenter #TropicalStorm #warmwater
#Miami #news
#bret #computermodel #nationalhurricanecenter #tropicalstorm #warmwater #miami #News
Just a reminder:
You can get accurate, timely weather information from the National Hurricane Center at NOAA:
#stormwarning #arlene #nationalhurricanecenter
Hurricane season in Key Biscayne: “We can’t wait for the county” :
Williamson said he will move officials and emergency personnel off the island with a strong hurricane approaching – meaning those residents who stay will be on their own. “If you are still alive afterwards, we will come back for you,” he said.
#DaniellaLevineCava #ElNiño #EricLang #Evacuation #Hurricane #HurricaneIan #HurricaneSeason #JoeLopez #NationalHurricaneCenter #SteveWillia
#daniellalevinecava #elnino #ericlang #evacuation #hurricane #hurricaneian #hurricaneseason #joelopez #nationalhurricanecenter #stevewillia
#Introduction - Hiya! My name is Michael, but I usually go by Mike. I'm a single father living day to day with PTSD and many other struggles of my own, however, I prioritize my son's special needs before my own, and I'm learning something new every single day.
I try to stay as positive as possible and I am by default non-confrontational mainly because confrontation gives me panic attacks.
The ability to stay informed and help others where I can is important to me, even if the news is difficult to hear or share at times.
Down below I will leave my interests and things I might toot about at anytime in the future, however I will be most heavily focused on politics and things that affect society as a whole. If you find yourself liking my content or have similar interests, feel free to give me a follow and/or interact with me. I'm also very willing to learn and be educated, please feel free to correct me or guide me as you see fit if you so choose.
Last updated:
(Date in US format mm-dd-yyyy: 11/22/2022)
-- Politics --
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#Linux / #KDEPlasma / #Arch / #Fedora
#SoftwareDefinedRadio (#SDR)
-- Medicine & Biology --
#Delta8 / #Delta9 / #Delta10
-- Nature & Life --
#OffGrid / #Solar
#Meterology / #WX / #Tropical
#StormPredictionCenter / #SPC
#NationalHurricaneCenter / #NHC
-- Weather Radar Software (PC & Mobile):
-- Neurotypical --
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-- Uncategorized --
#Introduction #communism #anarchism #antifascism #anticapitalism #marxism #theory #greenenergy #homelessness #uspol #worldpol #politics #MutualAid #adsb #adsbexchange #flightradar24 #openskynetwork #Linux #KDEplasma #arch #fedora #privacy #encryption #anonymity #opensource #databreaches #socialmedia #fediverse #decentralization #p2p #threatmodel #metadata #softwaredefinedradio #sdr #hamradio #GMRS #Android #iOS #signal #session #simplex #element #twitter #ArtificalIntellegence #medicine #stimulants #antidepressants #thc #Cannabinoids #cbd #Delta8 #delta9 #Delta10 #microdosing #psychology #mentalhealth #offgrid #Solar #biodiversity #meterology #wx #tropical #climate #earthquakes #SpaghettiModels #StormPredictionCenter #spc #nationalhurricanecenter #NHC #GRLevelX #WSV3 #RadarOmega #radarscope #windy #autism #bipolardisorder #ptsd #adhd #majordepressivedisorder #mmo #simulators #strategy #fps #SteamDeck #microsoftflightsimulator #xplane #americantrucksimulator #Eurotrucksimulator #PowerWashSimulator #FarmRPG #SimpleMMO #statistics #independentNews #tinker #cleaning #Organizing #DIY #ArmTheProletariat #GunTalk
#Introduction - Hiya! My name is Michael, but I usually go by Mike. I'm a single father living day to day with #PTSD and many other struggles of my own, however, I prioritize my son's special needs before my own, and I'm learning something new every single day.
I try to stay as positive as possible and I am non-confrontational. The ability to stay informed and help others where I can is important to me, even if the news is difficult to hear or share at times.
Down below I will leave my interests and things I might toot about at anytime in the future, however I will be most heavily focused on politics and things that affect society as a whole. If you find yourself liking my content or have similar interests, feel free to give me a follow and/or interact with me. I'm also very willing to learn and be educated, please feel free to correct me or guide me as you see fit if you so choose.
Last updated:
(Date in US format mm-dd-yyyy: 11/13/2022)
-- Politics --
-- Aeronautical --
-- Technology --
#Linux / #KDEPlasma / #Arch / #Fedora
#SoftwareDefinedRadio (#SDR)
-- Medicine & Biology --
#Medicine / #Stimulants / #Antidepressants
#Delta8 / #Delta9 / #Delta10
-- Nature & Life --
#OffGrid / #Solar
#Meterology / #WX / #Tropical
#StormPredictionCenter / #SPC
#NationalHurricaneCenter / #NHC
-- Weather Radar Software (PC & Mobile):
-- Neurotypical --
-- Gaming --
-- Uncategorized --
#Introduction #ptsd #communism #anarchism #antifascism #anticapitalism #marxism #theory #greenenergy #homelessness #uspol #worldpol #MutualAid #adsb #adsbexchange #flightradar24 #openskynetwork #Linux #KDEplasma #arch #fedora #osint #privacy #infosec #encryption #anonymity #opensource #databreaches #socialmedia #fediverse #decentralization #p2p #threatmodel #metadata #softwaredefinedradio #sdr #hamradio #GMRS #ai #medicine #stimulants #antidepressants #thc #Cannabinoids #cbd #Delta8 #delta9 #Delta10 #microdosing #psychology #mentalhealth #offgrid #Solar #biodiversity #meterology #wx #tropical #climate #earthquakes #SpaghettiModels #StormPredictionCenter #spc #nationalhurricanecenter #NHC #GRLevelX #WSV3 #RadarOmega #radarscope #windy #autism #bipolardisorder #adhd #majordepressivedisorder #mmo #simulators #strategy #fps #SteamDeck #microsoftflightsimulator #xplane #americantrucksimulator #Eurotrucksimulator #PowerWashSimulator #FarmRPG #SimpleMMO #statistics #independentNews #tinker #cleaning #Organizing #DIY
The #nationalhurricanecenter is forecasting the development of a tropical disturbances may potentially impact this week's launch #Artemis #Artemis1. #NASA
#nasa #Artemis1 #artemis #nationalhurricanecenter
It is the second week of November.
There are three tropical weather systems in the North Atlantic.
If the developing disturbance forms, it will be the 30th named storm, Iota 2020.
#weather #nationalhurricanecenter #tropicalstorms