Article on Russia's "Tsar Laser", an under-construction bigger version of the US National Ignition Facility which you sometimes hear about making #Fusion Energy Breakthroughs by zapping a target with multiple giant lasers.
Just like the #NationalIgnitionFacility, #TsarLaser's main job is the development and maintenance of nuclear weapons. But it means they feel less need to do live-fire testing of weapons, so that's good.
#fusion #nationalignitionfacility #tsarlaser
Fusione, e confusione, nucleare – di Angelo Baracca e Giorgio Ferrari #LawrenceLivermoreNationalLaboratory #NationalAcademyofSciences #NationalIgnitionFacility #fisicadelletestate #industriadellearmi #supremaziamilitare #tecnologianucleare #energiaillimitata #esplosivicompatti #arsenalimilitari #fontienergetiche #sistemadifensivo #fusionenucleare #GiorgioFerrari #lobbydellearmi #sceltemilitari #AngeloBaracca
#angelobaracca #sceltemilitari #lobbydellearmi #GiorgioFerrari #fusionenucleare #sistemadifensivo #fontienergetiche #arsenalimilitari #esplosivicompatti #energiaillimitata #tecnologianucleare #supremaziamilitare #industriadellearmi #fisicadelletestate #nationalignitionfacility #nationalacademyofsciences #lawrencelivermorenationallaboratory
"Over the past few years, the #NationalIgnitionFacility has passed some key milestones, including ignition of #fusion and creating what's termed a #BurningPlasma.
But unexpectedly it appears that burning plasmas behaves differently from those that have experienced ignition. And there's no obvious explanation for the difference."
Laser-driven fusion’s internal energies not matching up with predictions | Ars Technica
#burningplasma #fusion #nationalignitionfacility
**Lichtblick fürs Klima: Ein Meilenstein für Kernfusion**
Wir können heute einen Meilenstein in der Forschung der Kernfusion feiern! Dies ist eine Art der Energieerzeugung, die rein technisch die Vorgänge in der Sonne kopiert. Dabei verschmelzen Atomkerne und setzen Energie frei. Deshalb werden solche Re #Klima,Umwelt,Landwirtschaft&Tierschutz #LafrenceLivermoreNationalLaboratory #NationalIgnitionFacility #grüneEnergie
#klima #lafrencelivermorenationallaboratory #nationalignitionfacility #gruneenergie
**Lichtblick fürs Klima: Ein Meilenstein für Kernfusion**
Wir können heute einen Meilenstein in der Forschung der Kernfusion feiern! Dies ist eine Art der Energieerzeugung, die rein technisch die Vorgänge in der Sonne kopiert. Dabei verschmelzen Atomkerne und setzen Energie frei. Deshalb werden solche Re #Klima,Umwelt,Landwirtschaft&Tierschutz #LafrenceLivermoreNationalLaboratory #NationalIgnitionFacility #grüneEnergie
#klima #lafrencelivermorenationallaboratory #nationalignitionfacility #gruneenergie
"The press conference makes clear that, over the past several years, the team operating the #NationalIgnitionFacility has gradually improved yields through an iterative process." #LLNL
What enabled the big boost in #fusion energy announced this week? | #FusionPower #FusionEnergy |Ars Technica
#fusionenergy #fusionpower #fusion #llnl #nationalignitionfacility
T-40 minutes.
#ignition #fusion #nuclearphysics #nuclearfusion #NIF #NationalIgnitionFacility
#nationalignitionfacility #NIF #nuclearfusion #nuclearphysics #fusion #ignition
T-40 minutes.
#ignition #fusion #nuclearphysics #nuclearfusion #NIF #NationalIgnitionFacility
#nationalignitionfacility #NIF #nuclearfusion #nuclearphysics #fusion #ignition
Nuclear Fusion Energy Breakthrough: Video and How to Watch - The Energy Department on Tuesday morning will present “a major scientific breakthrough” a... - #laser(lightamplificationbystimulatedemissionofradiation) #lawrencelivermorenationallaboratory #nationalignitionfacility #fusion(nuclearreaction) #energydepartment #energyandpower #research
#research #energyandpower #energydepartment #fusion #nationalignitionfacility #lawrencelivermorenationallaboratory #laser
Major Nuclear Fusion Energy Breakthrough to Be Announced by Scientists - Researchers working with lasers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are expected to... - #laser(lightamplificationbystimulatedemissionofradiation) #lawrencelivermorenationallaboratory #nationalignitionfacility #fusion(nuclearreaction) #your-feed-science #energydepartment #energyandpower #nuclearweapons #research
#research #nuclearweapons #energyandpower #energydepartment #your #fusion #nationalignitionfacility #lawrencelivermorenationallaboratory #laser
Major Fusion Energy Breakthrough to Be Announced by Scientists - Researchers working with lasers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are expected to... - #laser(lightamplificationbystimulatedemissionofradiation) #lawrencelivermorenationallaboratory #nationalignitionfacility #fusion(nuclearreaction) #your-feed-science #energydepartment #energyandpower #nuclearweapons #research
#research #nuclearweapons #energyandpower #energydepartment #your #fusion #nationalignitionfacility #lawrencelivermorenationallaboratory #laser
#Scientists hoping to harness #nuclearfusion—the same #energy source that powers the #Sun and other stars—have confirmed that #magneticfields can enhance the #energyoutput of their #experiments, reports a new study from the #NationalIgnitionFacility
#scientists #nuclearfusion #energy #sun #magneticfields #energyoutput #experiments #nationalignitionfacility
#NuclearFusion Experiment Reveals Unexpected Physics Inside ‘Burning #Plasma’
“This is the first burning plasma that we've ever created on the planet, so it's pretty amazing.” said Researchers at the #NationalIgnitionFacility (NIF)
#nationalignitionfacility #plasma #nuclearfusion
Laser-driven fusion’s internal energies not matching up with predictions #nationalignitionfacility #tritiumdeuterium #particlephysics #neutrons #Science #Physics #fusion
#Science #nationalignitionfacility #tritiumdeuterium #particlephysics #neutrons #Physics #fusion
Laser-driven fusion’s internal energies not matching up with predictions - Enlarge / Where the action happens inside the National Ignition Facilit... - #nationalignitionfacility #tritiumdeuterium #particlephysics #neutrons #science #physics #fusion
#fusion #physics #science #neutrons #particlephysics #tritiumdeuterium #nationalignitionfacility