The #NationalLaborRelationsBoard just handed down a *landmark* ruling - the #Cemex case - that "brought #WorkerRights back from the dead."
At issue in *Cemex* was what the #NLRB should do about employers that violate #LaborLaw during union drives. For decades, even the most flagrantly illegal union-busting was met with a wrist-slap.
#nationallaborrelationsboard #cemex #workerrights #nlrb #laborlaw
Gizmodo: NLRB Says Companies That Union-Bust Must Recognize Busted Union #cemexconstructionmaterialspacificllc #nationallaborrelationsboard #nlrbelectionprocedures #unitedstateslaborlaw #theblueeagleatwork #laborrelations #laurenmcferran #unionbusting #tradeunions #labor
#cemexconstructionmaterialspacificllc #nationallaborrelationsboard #nlrbelectionprocedures #unitedstateslaborlaw #theblueeagleatwork #laborrelations #laurenmcferran #unionbusting #tradeunions #labor
Now, all of this isn't just sleazy, it's *illegal*, a violation of Section 7 of the #NationalLaborRelationsBoard Act. Historically, that wouldn't have mattered, because a string of presidents, R and D, have appointed useless do-nothing ghouls to run the NLRB.
#NationalLaborRelationsBoard says Apple v#iolated rights of store staff who considered #unionizing
The National Labor Relations Board (#NLRB) has ruled that Apple “coercively interrogated” store employees at its World Trade Center store who wants to form a #union, according to Bloomberg.
#nationallaborrelationsboard #unionizing #nlrb #union
Throughout Wednesday's hearing before the #Senate #Health, #Education, #Labor and #Pensions Committee, former #Starbucks CEO #HowardSchultz denied that the company has done anything illegal. But the #NationalLaborRelationsBoard has issued more than 80 complaints over 278 unfair #labor practice charges against the company, and has in the past handed down rulings that Starbucks broke federal #LaborLaw.
#senate #health #education #labor #pensions #starbucks #howardschultz #nationallaborrelationsboard #laborlaw #nlrb #boycottstarbucks
#Employee #NonCompete Agreements Are Illegal, #NLRB Lawyer Says
The general counsel of the #NationalLaborRelationsBoard says that non-compete provisions are “overbroad” and violate workers’ rights, specifically because of how they impact #unionization.
#employee #noncompete #nlrb #nationallaborrelationsboard #unionization
#YouTubeMusic Workers Just Unanimously Won A #Union Vote
This is the Alphabet Workers Union-CWA’s second election victory, though the union is not yet recognized by the #NationalLaborRelationsBoard. #YouTube
#youtubemusic #union #nationallaborrelationsboard #youtube
Amazon Union Prevails in Ruling on Warehouse Access for Organizing - Federal labor regulators said that Amazon had illegally barred off-duty employees from wo... - #workplacehazardsandviolations #nationallaborrelationsboard #amazonlaborunion #organizedlabor #amazon.cominc #laborandjobs #warehouses
#warehouses #laborandjobs #amazon #organizedlabor #amazonlaborunion #nationallaborrelationsboard #workplacehazardsandviolations
Judge Finds Amazon Broke Labor Law in Anti-Union Effort - The ruling, on charges brought by the National Labor Relations Board, involved actions at... - #workplacehazardsandviolations #nationallaborrelationsboard #decisionsandverdicts #statenisland(nyc) #amazonlaborunion #organizedlabor #amazon.cominc #laborandjobs #warehouses
#warehouses #laborandjobs #amazon #organizedlabor #amazonlaborunion #statenisland #decisionsandverdicts #nationallaborrelationsboard #workplacehazardsandviolations
Regulators Find Apple’s Secrecy Violates Workers Rights - Following a yearlong investigation, a federal labor board determined that the tech giant’... - #nationallaborrelationsboard #computersandtheinternet #organizedlabor #laborandjobs #cooktimothyd #appleinc
#appleinc #cooktimothyd #laborandjobs #organizedlabor #computersandtheinternet #nationallaborrelationsboard
Warehouse workers say they “beat Amazon fair and square” in union fight - Enlarge (credit: Spencer Platt / Staff | Getty Images North America)
... - #nationallaborrelationsboard #union-busting #unionization #policy #amazon
#amazon #policy #unionization #union #nationallaborrelationsboard
Ars Technica: Warehouse workers say they “beat Amazon fair and square” in union fight #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #nationallaborrelationsboard #union-busting #unionization #Policy #Amazon
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #nationallaborrelationsboard #union #unionization #policy #amazon
Amazon Loses Bid to Overturn Union Victory at Staten Island Warehouse - A National Labor Relations Board official found a lack of evidence to support claims of e... - #nationallaborrelationsboard #decisionsandverdicts #statenisland(nyc) #amazonlaborunion #organizedlabor #amazon.cominc #warehouses #e-commerce
#e #warehouses #amazon #organizedlabor #amazonlaborunion #statenisland #decisionsandverdicts #nationallaborrelationsboard
Senate Spending Deal Includes Funding Boost For Labor Board #ProUnion #WorkersRights
#OmnibusBill Despite #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy opposition Congress Finally Scrounges Up Some Money For Workers' Rights
A new deal to fund the government would help repair the #NationalLaborRelationsBoard and avoid furloughs at the agency #BidenAgenda
#prounion #workersrights #omnibusbill #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #nationallaborrelationsboard #Bidenagenda
Amazon Labor Union Loses Election at Warehouse Near Albany - By a 2-to-1 margin, the group marked its second defeat after a surprise victory in April ... - #nationallaborrelationsboard #computersandtheinternet #wagesandsalaries #amazonlaborunion #smallschristian #organizedlabor #amazon.cominc #laborandjobs #e-commerce #warehouses #albany(ny)
#albany #warehouses #e #laborandjobs #amazon #organizedlabor #smallschristian #amazonlaborunion #wagesandsalaries #computersandtheinternet #nationallaborrelationsboard
Amazon Labor Union, With Renewed Momentum, Faces Next Test - A vote this week at a warehouse near Albany, N.Y., will help show whether the upstart uni... - #nationallaborrelationsboard #statenisland(nyc) #wagesandsalaries #amazonlaborunion #smallschristian #organizedlabor #amazon.cominc #newyorkstate
#newyorkstate #amazon #organizedlabor #smallschristian #amazonlaborunion #wagesandsalaries #statenisland #nationallaborrelationsboard
N.L.R.B. Rules Activision Withheld Raises Because of Union Activity - The embattled video game company is in union negotiations with workers at its subsidiary ... - #nationallaborrelationsboard #computerandvideogames #activisionblizzardinc #wagesandsalaries #organizedlabor #ravensoftware
#ravensoftware #organizedlabor #wagesandsalaries #activisionblizzardinc #computerandvideogames #nationallaborrelationsboard
Regulators Accuse Amazon of Singling Out Union Organizers for Discipline - National Labor Relations Board officials said the company had applied its workplace rules... - #nationallaborrelationsboard #statenisland(nyc) #amazonlaborunion #organizedlabor #amazon.cominc
#amazon #organizedlabor #amazonlaborunion #statenisland #nationallaborrelationsboard
Labor Board Official Says Amazon Effort to Overturn Staten Island Warehouse Election Should Be Rejected - The labor official concluded that Amazon’s objections to the election should be set aside... - #nationallaborrelationsboard #statenisland(nyc) #amazonlaborunion #organizedlabor #amazon.cominc #laborandjobs #warehouses
#warehouses #laborandjobs #amazon #organizedlabor #amazonlaborunion #statenisland #nationallaborrelationsboard