There are a TON of #movies from every decade on sale for $5 on iTunes right now for their respective anniversaries. Snatched up the original #NationalLampoons and a few others for way less than usual.
It must still be #christmas because I’m wearing my #nationallampoons #christmasvacation #tshirt 🎄
#christmas #nationallampoons #christmasvacation #tshirt
It’s must still be #christmas because I’m wearing my #nationallampoons #christmasvacation #tshirt 🎄
#christmas #nationallampoons #christmasvacation #tshirt
This is the world we gave up when we decided 3 ton pickups were necessary to carry a couple of 2x4s and a shop vac. #Truckster #Ford #ClassicCars #NationalLampoons #Cars
#Cars #nationallampoons #classiccars #ford #truckster