@KiffinEileen - it'll be interesting to see if Nats go thru with not cutting gst on fruit & veg should they become guvmint. Alongside cutting taxes for the rich, this will be a very unpopular new govt in a very short time.
As for voters put them into power: it'll give whole new meaning to "buyers remorse".
National once again demonstrates its inability to understand benefit-cost ratios. IIRC Free prescriptions have a benefit some 15 plus times more than the cost (of revenue foregone). So National wants to reintroduce charging for most people. Cheaper and more efficient to keep prescriptions free and properly fund Pharmac. #NationalNotFitToGovern #NZPol
#nationalnotfittogovern #nzpol
@ArrestJK - It beggars belief NZers would vote for this while #NationalNotFitToGovern wants to cut taxes for the richest 1%.
Meanwhile, Mr Seven Houses pontificate...https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/christopher-luxon-says-he-doesnt-need-the-18000-tax-cut-hed-get-with-nationals-plans/3ZMSEMF6AGHUU6XAF4CBZWL6AI/
[Editted to fix broken link. Hat tip @ArrestJK ]
Another party political broadcast uncritically presented by Radio NZ. (notwithstanding Media Watch discussing good practise and facts v myths on law'n'order last weekend, Radio NZ still uncritically reports myths as facts). #NationalNotFitToGovern #WhenDoWeGetGoodJournalism?
#nationalnotfittogovern #whendowegetgoodjournalism
Another article ripping in to National's latest ecocide roading announcement. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/on-the-inside/494939/70-years-of-road-based-policies-created-today-s-problems-does-national-s-transport-plan-add-up #NationalIsEcocide #NationalNotFitToGovern #NZPol
#nationalisecocide #nationalnotfittogovern #nzpol
Aotearoa is a sovereign currency issuing nation. So why is National wanting to enrichen overseas financiers to moar roads? #NationalNotFitToGovern
National policy is to claim the Palmie North and Waiarapa passenger rail upgrades as their own, and to ignore Te Huia. National being disingenuous over rail. #NationalNotFitToGovern #NationalAlwaysLies
#nationalnotfittogovern #nationalalwayslies
More on the idiotic National transport policy. It works against both mitigating and adapting to climate change. But I suppose it will be very profitable for the land developers and civil construction companies who have donated to the National Party. #NZPol #NationalNotFitToGovern #NationalJustClimateChange Deniers 2 of 2
#nzpol #nationalnotfittogovern #nationaljustclimatechange
Just read the National Party's transport policy. No mention anywhere of the really bad benefit-cost ratios of most of the moar roads they propose. And a hell of a lot of their moar roads is continuing what has already been started, while asserting that Labour has done nothing. As for rail - it might be a 4 letter word beginning with 'r' but it ain't a 'road'. As for funding it is pretty much a corporate welfare setup. #NZpol #NationalNotFitToGovern 1 of 2
#nzpol #nationalnotfittogovern
@rnzfans National still do not understand that planetary resource overshoot is a fact. National is just a walking, talking policy disaster. #NationalNotFitToGovern
Infrastructure NZ chief now campaigning for National. #NationalNotFitToGovern
Is there really any difference between neoliberal Labour and neoliberal National. Both oppose the wealthy paying their fair share of tax. Both wants housing bubble to continue. #NationalNotFitToGovern #LabourNot FitToGovern
#nationalnotfittogovern #labournot
National -- a party dedicated to destroying the planet. https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA2307/S00044/no-resource-consents-for-winter-grazing.htm
National are so much climate change deniers. Devoid of any sense of caring for future generations or for the planet. #NZPol #NationalNotFitToGovern
#nzpol #nationalnotfittogovern
Does Christopher Luxon have any glimmeriing of an understanding of why we have an independent judiciary? #NationalNotFitToGovern
Luxon says we need women to have moar babies - gets raised eyebrows and some looks of disbelief - so say he was joking. Actually he is half-right - he is becoming a bigger joke day by day. #NationalNotFitToGovern
Sorry but do people putting National or Act down really understand that it would make Luxon PM...??
#nzpol #pleaseno #nationalnotfittogovern
Luxon claims that every $ spent by government has to be earnt by one of those hard working kiwis. Why is the National Party pushing such economically illiterate drivel. Doesn't Luxon realise we are a sovereign currency issuing nation? Or is he trying to gaslight the nation? #NationalNotFitToGovern
National are just demented - announcing that they will reintroduce the $5 prescription charge. Which means National think it better to spend billions dealing with people who can't afford prescriptions and end up in hospital, in order to 'save' money. And some reckon National is the best economic manager. #NationalNotFitToGovern
Deliverate lying by National in their press release on support for nurses and midwives. The claim re number leaving nursing are blatantly false. And Shane Reti was told this before using the number. So dishonest. #NationalNotFitToGovern