Happy #NationalPoetryDay! Enjoy a beautiful, and uplifting poem from our #AllTheColors issue to celebrate this day! #Multicolored by #CaiQuirk #mockingowlroost #SpecialIssue #poetry #Poet #poetrycommunity
(Pictured is a city, and a PRIDE March of people with a multicolored filter over the picture.)
#nationalpoetryday #allthecolors #multicolored #caiquirk #mockingowlroost #specialissue #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
Michael Sheen, Jackie Morris, Marry Waterson 'Song of Raven' #poetry #writing
RT @MarryWaterson
It was truly a delight to make this film. The words of the ever creative @JackieMorrisArt read by the wonderful @michaelsheen I love the way he says "smooooth"
The brief was to make something "Witchy" *Cackles #NationalPoetryDay
#nationalpoetryday #writing #poetry
You'd almost think she knew it was #NationalPoetryDay:
Minnie the cat
Asleep in a hat https://t.co/Xfn5SMAufV
For #NationalPoetryDay Loreena McKennit's fabulous version of Tennyson's 'The Lady of Shalott'.
Loreena McKennitt - The Lady of Shalott
#nationalpoetryday #songoftheday
RT @Parody_PM@twitter.com
A girl who like to grow pie
Was often heard telling a lie
She ensured that the wealthy
remained fit and healthy
While the poor could piss off and die
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Parody_PM/status/1577994088141524994
PDF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ry661xethor0vix/Salvation.pdf?dl=0
#nationalpoetryday #concretepoetry
"I can't," the poet said.
"I see," the muse replied.
"My words are empty, dead;
and quiet ere they died."
"Remember," said the muse,
"you don't create alone."
"I do! All aid refused!"
"Who's looked at what you've shown?"
"The readers! Muse, you're right!
They bring my words to life!
They fill the gaps and write
the... Muse, what rhymes with life?"
(This poet thanks you all
For reading stories small.)
#NationalPoetryDay (in the UK)
The day the spaceships landed here
They broadcast "Earthlings, do not fear
We have not come to put a probe into you
We heard your songs, we heard your calls
We're here to reassure you all
We have no final truth we can give to you"
And people listened, then complained
Expecting help, or to be chained
"How dare you, you must be superior to us"
The aliens shook their fourteen heads
"All beings doubt and seek", they said
And if you try, you can become the true you.
#NationalPoetryDay (UK) #Poem
It’s apparently #NationalPoetryDay today somewhere in the world.
My friends, what is the poem you’ve recently that has stayed with you?
I've got some #poetry to share on #NationalPoetryDay http://katherinemontalto.com/category/poetry/
It's #nationalpoetryday so of course I went to a poetry reading! After 4.5 years of hardly leaving my rural home, it's hard to believe this is my life now.
by Hedd Wyn (1887-1917), my translation
We have no right to starlight,
nor moon that moans so lonely,
nor golden clouds a-rolling
through boundless blue, for only
this world so worn and weary
is ours in truth, that lies
discordant in God's glory
to stain the starry skies.