Before today I'd never heard of the NS Savannah, a nuclear-powered merchant ship designed to also carry passengers. Part of the cold war's Atoms for Peace program.
Interesting story about her in National Public Radio (NPR) today. Most amazing thing to me is in the story's photos, seeing how clean and new all the interiors look. Savannah only carried passengers from 1962 to 1965, so "new" has to be taken to mean '60 years old.'
NPR manages to commemorate the policy change that legalized the #Internet; a thing that is not #news so much as #history, managing not to mention then-senator #AlGore or #TheGoreBill. For better or worse, this is largely #Gore's achievement & it requires conscious effort to purge him from it. Lampooned in 2000 for daring to claim credit for his efforts, only to have this national public service scrubbed from history by #NationalPublicRadio.
Shame on you. Why choose to to this? #journalism
#internet #news #history #algore #thegorebill #gore #nationalpublicradio #journalism
Twitter Removes ‘Government-Funded’ Labels From Media Accounts - NPR and public broadcasters in Canada, Australia and New Zealand had criticized the label... - #australianbroadcastingcorp #canadianbroadcastingcorp #computersandtheinternet #britishbroadcastingcorp #nationalpublicradio #publicbroadcasting #newsandnewsmedia #cbc/radio-canada #isaacsonwalter #greatbritain #socialmedia #newzealand #southkorea #australia
#australia #southkorea #newzealand #socialmedia #greatbritain #isaacsonwalter #cbc #newsandnewsmedia #publicbroadcasting #nationalpublicradio #britishbroadcastingcorp #computersandtheinternet #canadianbroadcastingcorp #australianbroadcastingcorp
NPR can now be followed on the fediverse at @NPR. #NPR #NationalPublicRadio #TwitterMigration
#npr #nationalpublicradio #twittermigration
So ... how does the world encourage NPR get (say) a instance?
The amount of people on the #birdsite that are conflating #NationalPublicRadio with the Corporation for Public Brodcasting (the #CPB is a nonprofit corporation created by Congress) is *ahem* something. 🤨
#birdsite #nationalpublicradio #cpb
I wonder if NPR would find a niche on Mastodon. They have a massive base on Facebook and YouTube but the ease of sending news and links to their sites on That App was a boon. #NPR #NationalPublicRadio #wednesday
#npr #nationalpublicradio #wednesday
La #NationalPublicRadio, organizzazione che gestisce oltre 900 stazioni #radio negli #StatiUniti, lascia #Twitter dopo che il social l'aveva etichettata come «affiliata a uno stato». #npr
#nationalpublicradio #radio #statiuniti #twitter #npr
NPR to Suspend Twitter Use After ‘Government-Funded’ Label - The broadcaster said that the label undermined its credibility “by falsely implying that ... - #corpforpublicbroadcasting #computersandtheinternet #nationalpublicradio #newsandnewsmedia #socialmedia #muskelon #twitter
#twitter #muskelon #socialmedia #newsandnewsmedia #nationalpublicradio #computersandtheinternet #corpforpublicbroadcasting
#Radio-Broadcaster #KCRW macht bekannt, dass sie #Twitter verlassen. Hintergrund: Das hanebüchen willkürliche Label "staatsnahes/staatsfinanziertes Medium", das Twitter auch zur Kennzeichnung offizieller staatlicher Sprachrohre und Propagandasender aus u.a. RU und CN verwendet, das der Muttergesellschaft #NPR (#NationalPublicRadio) aufgestempelt wurde. #ElonMusk tut unwissend.
<1% der Finanzierung stammt aus Bundesmitteln u.ä.
#radio #kcrw #twitter #npr #nationalpublicradio #elonmusk
Twitter Takes Aim at Posts That Link to Its Rival Substack - Elon Musk’s company made the norm-shattering move two days after the publishing start-up ... - #computersandtheinternet #nationalpublicradio #andreessenhorowitz #newsandnewsmedia #newyorktimes #socialmedia #substackinc #muskelon #twitter
#twitter #muskelon #substackinc #socialmedia #newyorktimes #newsandnewsmedia #andreessenhorowitz #nationalpublicradio #computersandtheinternet
This is the point at which I realized that US #NationalPublicRadio is for some audience entirely apart from me. Professional motivation is what capitalists say to convince us to give up our time for their enrichment.
It's not perfect, but IMHO #NPR is a good network run by good people doing good work. It's worth supporting. If you have the means, please consider donating to your local station and/or the national network. #NationalPublicRadio #Radio #Media
#npr #nationalpublicradio #radio #media
Bots or inactive news orgs accounts shouldn't really count. 😉
Sorry @andryou, although I do appreciate the placeholders. 🙂
Fanua - *Shouts into the #Mastodon ether*
"Hello, AP, NPR, where are you? Help me to find you, looking everywhere." 🤷
#AssociatedPress #NationalPublicRadio #journalists #journalism #NewsOrgs #NewsMedia
#newsmedia #newsorgs #journalism #journalists #nationalpublicradio #associatedpress #Mastodon
*Shouts into the #Mastodon ether*
"Hello, AP, NPR, where are you? Help me to find you, looking everywhere." 🤷
#AssociatedPress #NationalPublicRadio #journalists #journalism #NewsOrgs #NewsMedia
#newsmedia #newsorgs #journalism #journalists #nationalpublicradio #associatedpress #Mastodon