Today is NATIONAL SONS DAY. Here's a pic of my ungrateful son. #NationalSonsDay #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
#nationalsonsday #caturday #catsofmastodon
#holidays (1 of 2) #WorldObesityDay, #InternationalScrapbookingIndustryDay, #InternationalOpenDataDay, #InternationalGameMastersDay, #NationalDanceTheWaltzDay, #NationalPoundCakeDay, #NationalSonsDay, #NationalSnackDay, #NationalGrammarDay, #MarchForth / #DoSomethingDay, #ToySoldierDay, #HugAGIDay, #MarchingMusicDay, #HolyExperimentDay, #CourageousFollowersDay
#holidays #worldobesityday #internationalscrapbookingindustryday #internationalopendataday #internationalgamemastersday #nationaldancethewaltzday #nationalpoundcakeday #nationalsonsday #nationalsnackday #nationalgrammarday #marchforth #dosomethingday #toysoldierday #hugagiday #marchingmusicday #holyexperimentday #courageousfollowersday
#holidays (1 of 2) #WorldObesityDay, #InternationalScrapbookingIndustryDay, #InternationalOpenDataDay, #InternationalGameMastersDay, #NationalDanceTheWaltzDay, #NationalPoundCakeDay, #NationalSonsDay, #NationalSnackDay, #NationalGrammarDay, #MarchForth / #DoSomethingDay, #ToySoldierDay, #HugAGIDay, #MarchingMusicDay, #HolyExperimentDay, #CourageousFollowersDay
#holidays #worldobesityday #internationalscrapbookingindustryday #internationalopendataday #internationalgamemastersday #nationaldancethewaltzday #nationalpoundcakeday #nationalsonsday #nationalsnackday #nationalgrammarday #marchforth #dosomethingday #toysoldierday #hugagiday #marchingmusicday #holyexperimentday #courageousfollowersday
National Son's Day is a special day dedicated to celebrating the unique and cherished bond between a parent and their son. Let's take this opportunity to thank our sons for being a blessing in our lives and remind them how much they mean to us.
Happy National Son's Day!❤️
#CoalCreekOMS #DrHayes #NationalSonsDay #NationalSonsDay2023
#coalcreekoms #drhayes #nationalsonsday #nationalsonsday2023
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 4: A mother/son or father/son #movie for #NationalSonsDay
“Pardon me boy, is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo?
(Yes Yes) Track 29!
Boy you can give me a shine
(Can you afford to board, the Chattanooga Choo Choo?)”
Track 29 (#NicolasRoeg, 1988), written by #DennisPotter and based on his #play Schmoedipus, and produced by #GeorgeHarrison's HandMade Films. A young man (very fresh-faced Gary Oldman) who suddenly appears in a middle-aged woman's (Roeg regular Theresa Russell) life may be the son she gave once gave up for adoption. Of course, tensions ensue, not in the least caused by husband Christopher Lloyd's vast model train collection.
#film #UK #USA #ModelTrains #OedipusComplex #GaryOldman
#TheresaRussell #ChristopherLloyd #ColleenCamp #SandraBernhard #SeymourCassel #RichardKOlsen @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #movie #nationalsonsday #nicolasroeg #dennispotter #play #georgeharrison #film #uk #usa #modeltrains #oedipuscomplex #garyoldman #theresarussell #christopherlloyd #colleencamp #sandrabernhard #seymourcassel #richardkolsen
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 4: A mother/son or father/son #movie for #NationalSonsDay
“Pardon me boy, is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo?
(Yes Yes) Track 29!
Boy you can give me a shine
(Can you afford to board, the Chattanooga Choo Choo?)”
Track 29 (NicolasRoeg, 1988), written by #DennisPotter and based on his #play Schmoedipus, and produced by #GeorgeHarrison's HandMade Films. A young man (very fresh-faced Gary Oldman) who suddenly appears in a middle-aged woman's (Roeg regular Theresa Russell) life may be the son she gave once gave up for adoption. Of course, tensions ensue, not in the least caused by husband Christopher Lloyd's vast model train collection.
#film #UK #USA #ModelTrains #OedipusComplex #GaryOldman
#TheresaRussell #ChristopherLloyd #ColleenCamp #SandraBernhard #SeymourCassel #RichardKOlsen @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #movie #nationalsonsday #dennispotter #play #georgeharrison #film #uk #usa #modeltrains #oedipuscomplex #garyoldman #theresarussell #christopherlloyd #colleencamp #sandrabernhard #seymourcassel #richardkolsen
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 4: A mother/son or father/son #movie for #NationalSonsDay
“Pardon me boy, is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo?
(Yes Yes) Track 29!
Boy you can give me a shine
(Can you afford to board, the Chattanooga Choo Choo?)”
Track 29 (NicolasRoeg, 1988), written by #DennisPotter and based on his #play Schmoedipus, and produced by #GeorgeHarrison's HandMade Films. A young man (very fresh-faced Gary Oldman) who suddenly appears in a middle-aged woman's (Roeg regular Theresa Russell) life may be the son she gave once gave up for adoption. Of course, tensions ensue, not in the least caused by husband Christopher Lloyd's vast model train collection.
#film #UK #USA #ModelTrains #OedipusComplex #GaryOldman
#ChristopherLloyd #ColleenCamp #SandraBernhard #SeymourCassel #RichardKOlsen @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #movie #nationalsonsday #dennispotter #play #georgeharrison #film #uk #usa #modeltrains #oedipuscomplex #garyoldman #theresarussell #christopherlloyd #colleencamp #sandrabernhard #seymourcassel #richardkolsen