I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the country on which we are meeting. I pay my respects to their Elders, past and present and the Elders from other communities who may be here today. 🖤💛❤️👣👣👣👣
“Saying ‘Sorry’ is not enough. Generations are still being stolen. We need action, as well as words. Paying the Rent is a powerful action to strengthen First Nations sovereignty, belonging and culture.”
Here’s one of the ways I #PayTheRent: https://larsenkeys.com.au/2019/03/19/on-rates-and-reparations/
How do you? https://paytherent.net.au/
#SorryDay #SorryDay2023 #NationalSorryDay #26May #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #Reparations
#PayTheRent #sorryday #sorryday2023 #nationalsorryday #26may #alwayswasalwayswillbe #reparations
Today is #NationalSorryDay. Proud Gunaikurnai man Rick Baldwin has long witnessed the traumas of the Stolen Generation. It's fuelled him to be a strong voice for his people. This #NationalReconciliationWeek, we welcome Rick to the Baker to share his stories & drive for change. https://t.co/YbFlwyqWqB
#nationalsorryday #nationalreconciliationweek
Daily #Hashtags for May
May 1
#InternationalLabourDay #MayDay #MotherGooseDay #SaveTheRhinoDay
May 2
May 3
#PressFreedomDay #WorldAsthmaDay
May 4
#BirdDay #InternationalFirefightersDay #StarWarsDay
May 5
#CartoonistDay #OysterDay #SpaceDay
May 6
#BeverageDay #InternationalNoDietDay #NationalNursesDay
May 7
May 8
#InternationalThalassaemiaDay #VEDay #WorldLaughterDay #WorldRedCrossDay #WorldRedCrescentDay
May 9
May 10
May 11
#EatWhatYouWantDay #NationalTechnologyDay #TwilightZoneDay
May 12
#InternationalNursesDay #LimerickDay
May 13
May 14
#LilacSunday #MothersDay
May 15
May 16
#LoveATreeDay #WearPurpleForPeaceDay
May 17
#WorldHypertensionDay #WorldTelecommunicationDay
May 18
#InternationalMuseumDay #WorldsAIDSVaccineDay
May 19
#NationalBikeToWorkDay #NationalEndangeredSpeciesDay
May 20
May 21
May 22
#InternationalDayForBiologicalDiversity #NationalMaritimeDay #WorldGothDay
May 23
#LuckyPennyDay #WorldTurtleDay
May 24
May 25
#NationalMissingChildrensDay #NationalWineDay
May 26
#DontFryFriday #NationalSorryDay
May 27
#SunScreenDay #NationalReconciliationWeek
May 28
May 29
#LearnAboutCompostingDay #NationalMemorialDay
May 30
May 31
#WorldNoTobaccoDay #WorldOtterDay
#hashtags #internationallabourday #mayday #mothergooseday #savetherhinoday #worldtunaday #PressFreedomDay #WorldAsthmaDay #birdday #internationalfirefightersday #starwarsday #cartoonistday #oysterday #spaceday #beverageday #internationalnodietday #NationalNursesDay #worldathleticsday #internationalthalassaemiaday #VEDay #worldlaughterday #WorldRedCrossDay #worldredcrescentday #nationalteachersday #worldlupusday #eatwhatyouwantday #NationalTechnologyDay #twilightzoneday #InternationalNursesDay #limerickday #leprechaunday #lilacsunday #mothersday #InternationalDayOfFamilies #loveatreeday #wearpurpleforpeaceday #WorldHypertensionDay #worldtelecommunicationday #InternationalMuseumDay #worldsaidsvaccineday #nationalbiketoworkday #nationalendangeredspeciesday #ameliaearhartday #nationalantiterrorismday #internationaldayforbiologicaldiversity #nationalmaritimeday #worldgothday #luckypennyday #worldturtleday #nationalescargotday #nationalmissingchildrensday #nationalwineday #dontfryfriday #nationalsorryday #sunscreenday #nationalreconciliationweek #amnestyinternationalday #learnaboutcompostingday #nationalmemorialday #internationaljazzday #worldnotobaccoday #worldotterday