Finally digging into Robert Mitchell’s outstanding Infectious Liberty and, boy howdy, is it making me think about the way the National Tale helps conceive and produce the concept of population. #biopolitics #NationalTale #Romanticism
#biopolitics #nationaltale #romanticism
Today I'm trying to finish enough of the section on maternal mortality in #Edgeworth's Ennui and Claudia #Johnstone's Clan Albin to make a passable draft for the upcoming workshop #NationalTale #Romanticism #ScottishLiterature #IrishLiterature #MedicalHumanities
#edgeworth #johnstone #nationaltale #romanticism #scottishliterature #irishliterature #MedicalHumanities
Today I’m finishing my Canvas set up and then working on the historical context section of my #ReproductiveJustice and the #NationalTale chapter—looking forward to going back to Lisa Forman Cody, Sarah Fox’s fabulous giving birth in Georgian England, and Julie Kipp’s Romanticism, Maternity, and the Body Politic
#reproductivejustice #nationaltale
Beginning to pack up my #opera books because I won’t have any time to work on that project until well after I move to the #UMN; right now my focus is on the #MedicalHumanities and the #NationalTale book
#opera #umn #MedicalHumanities #nationaltale
Next up in the reading list for my maternal mortality and reproductive justice in the National Tale article #NationalTale #Romanticism