It's #NationalTellAStoryDay - a great excuse to share a good tale!
We'd love to hear your top tips for becoming a super storyteller... ☀️
Greetings, myth lovers! Join us next #Monday to honour #TellAStoryDay!
Tell us your favourite myth or put your own spin on a myth!
Tell us the #story in your toot and use the hashtag #MythologyMonday for boosts!
Your host @AimeeMaroux is excited to read your most beloved myths!
🎨 Storyteller by Kathleen Atkins Wilson
#mythology #folklore #folktale #legends #Storytelling @mythology @folklore @folklorethursday #NorseMythology #GreekMythology #EgyptianMythology #CelticMythology #AztecMythology #HinduMythology #NationalTellAStoryDay
#monday #tellastoryday #story #mythologymonday #mythology #folklore #folktale #legends #storytelling #norsemythology #greekmythology #egyptianmythology #celticmythology #aztecmythology #hindumythology #nationaltellastoryday