12pt9 · @12pt9
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March 7: a town meeting for

Raymond Rouleau's Les sorcières de (FR/GDR, 1957) – , with a screenplay by Marxist philosopher Jean-Paul – is a very early adaptation of Arthur Miller's 1953 The Crucible. An allegory of , the play is a (partially dramatised) retelling of the , a dramatic episode in early US-American history. During several court and town meetings, 200 people were falsely accused of meddling with the Devil; 19 of them were eventually executed.

Miller himself was accused of un-American activities in 1956 and convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to identify others present at meetings he had attended. Which doesn't mean that are a thing of the past. As easily one can transplant Puritan religious mass hysteria to 1950s McCarthy anti-socialism, as easy is it applicable to the state of the world today.


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Last updated 2 years ago