Ian Troesoyer · @IanTroesoyer
18 followers · 54 posts · Server universeodon.com

This article examines the problem of inherited controlling shares leading profitable companies to be led by 'idiot heirs.'
It points out that "...asking investors to put eternal trust in corporate royalty is antithetical to the values of Americans."
What the article fails to recognize is how all intergenerational wealth transfer perpetuates this problem. Rich folks pass their stock ownership and their wealth to their children who then also have disproportionate control over public companies.
Furthermore, I would say our entire model of business ownership is un-American: why does a single individual get unilateral control over the cooperation of all workers based on showing up first or buying it from the person who did?


#democracyatwork #coop #deathtax #nationaltrustfund #babybonds

Last updated 1 year ago