RT @nywolforg@twitter.com
It's #NationalVoterRegistrationDay! Make sure your HOWL is heard and register today!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nywolforg/status/1572242139735523328
RT @JimGaffigan@twitter.com
Find yourself a life partner who will put on your @headcountorg@twitter.com swag so you can do a post to remind folks to register to vote. Or check your voter registration. Go to http://headcount.org . Today is #nationalvoterregistrationday
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JimGaffigan/status/1572383499532869633
RT @ewarren@twitter.com
Happy #NationalVoterRegistrationDay! Celebrate by making sure your registration is all set—then share this link with your friends and family (it might be just the reminder they need): https://IWillVote.com
Hey, it's #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
Yes, that hashtag just rolls off the tongue.
Please, please register to vote. This shit ain't funny anymore, hasn't been for a long time.
At a rally in Ohio yesterday, people were holding up their hands in salute to their leader just like so many years ago.
'Both sides' apathy isn't an option anymore. Please, register and #vote!
Here's a guide on how to get started:
#vote #nationalvoterregistrationday
Today is #NationalVoterRegistrationDay, which is kind of like my unofficial holiday.
If you’ve moved since the last election, you need to register to vote at your current address.
You can register to vote at http://vote.gov
Voting is bigger than you. It’s bigger than us.
Let’s all check our voter registration and make 2022 a year with historically high turnout! #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
Registering to vote is vital to making your voice heard, and it's easy to do!
Former President Obama shows 5 things harder than registering to vote.
Tuesday, September 20 is National Voter Registration Day!
#NationalVoterRegistrationDay is a day dedicated to reminding everyone to register to vote.
It's a great day to check or update your voter registration or register to vote if you’re not.
Have you moved? Changed your name? Missed voting in a few elections? Turned 18?
All great reasons to update your registration or register to vote for the first time.
Mid-term elections are right around the corner. Making sure that you are registered to vote is the first step to being more involved in decisions on the local and national level and having your voice heard.
#VoteReady #NationalVoterRegistrationDay #RegistertoVote
Do it here:
#nationalvoterregistrationday #VoteReady #RegisterToVote
@TonyStark To show up to vote, you need to #RegisterToVote.
Do it now. #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
#RegisterToVote #nationalvoterregistrationday
It's one of the best ways to help everyone. #RegisterToVote #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
#RegisterToVote #nationalvoterregistrationday
It's one of the best ways to help everyone. #RegisterToVote #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
#RegisterToVote #nationalvoterregistrationday
I just checked mine. It took 2 minutes. That's not much to make sure your voice is counted in every election.
Go check yours now and ask at least 3 more people.
TODAY! Today is National Voter Registration Day - my second favorite holiday (after Election Day, itself.)
Today’s the day to register to vote if you're not, to check your registration status and make corrections if needed, and to ask friends, family, and neighbors to register and check their registration status, too.
The right to vote is being challenged all across the country. We can combat voter suppression and create a healthier democracy by increasing voter participation. We all win when we all vote. #RegisterToVote #NationalVoterRegistrationDay :registertovote:
#RegisterToVote #nationalvoterregistrationday
For everyone in the USA:
#nationalvoterregistrationday #election #VoteReady #uspol
RT @CAgovernor@twitter.com
Happy #NationalVoterRegistrationDay, California!
42 days until the November 3, 2020 General Election.
13 days until county election offices begin mailing ballots.
Make sure you’re registered! http://RegisterToVote.ca.gov
#nationalvoterregistrationday #californiaforall #VoteCalifornia
Hey. Are you registered to vote? Check and make sure your info is right. Register if you’re not. We need everyone. Vote.org.🇺🇸Tell 5 friends. 💥Tell family. It’s #NationalVoterRegistrationDay . Look out for America and democracy. I’m voting Blue. 😎 #VoteReady #CaptainAmerica #ChrisEvans #AStartingPoint #RocktheVote #VoteBlue
#nationalvoterregistrationday #voteready #captainamerica #chrisevans #AStartingPoint #rockthevote #voteblue