Happy #NationalWeatherpersonsDay! We would like to thank all of our local meteorologists, partners, educators, observers, and storm spotters who help us accomplish our mission of protecting lives and property.
Have a sunset picture - y'all deserve it! 🌤️ #gawx
#nationalweatherpersonsday #gawx
Happy #NationalWeatherpersonsDay to all of our fellow meteorologists, partners, observers, and weather enthusiasts! We could not do our jobs without you!
You can find out more about the history of this day here: https://weather.gov/cae/NationalWeat… #CAwx
#nationalweatherpersonsday #cawx
On behalf of Marge, our Chicken in Charge, and the rest of our office we wish everyone ranging from our storm spotters, media partners, student volunteers and more a Happy National Weather Persons Day! #MOBwx #nationalweatherpersonsday
#mobwx #nationalweatherpersonsday
NWS Meteorologists are responsible for analyzing meteorological data to issue forecast products, advisories, and warnings concerning a number of hazardous weather conditions. Featured here are Keith, Patrick, Rick, and Raelene. #NationalWeatherpersonsDay
Did you know that meteorologists at the @NWS, in the broadcast field, within the research community, and in the private sector work closely to help keep people informed and SAFE when weather turns hazardous? We appreciate all our partners. #nationalweatherpersonsday
It's just me wearing my "hat hat" two years ago today on National Weatherperson's Day... I'm waiting for more rain today!
#California #Chico #Redding #NorCal #hat #hats #hathat #NationalWeatherpersonsDay #weather #meteorologist #Sunday #February #February5
#california #chico #redding #norcal #hat #hats #hathat #nationalweatherpersonsday #weather #meteorologist #sunday #february #february5
RT @NWSDirector: 🎉Happy #NationalWeatherpersonsDay to my fellow meteorologists and weather enthusiasts! This day also honors John Jeffries - one of America's first weather observers who began taking observations in Boston in 1774. Forecasting abilities have advanced greatly since then! #SMEM
#nationalweatherpersonsday #smem
Next up in our featured staff members are our Lead Meteorologists. Here are Zach, Karen, and Dave! #NationalWeatherpersonsDay
RT @wistatepatrol: A special thanks to our partners at the National Weather Service who assist us in our daily public safety mission.
Check @511WI for the latest travel information.
#NationalWeatherPersonsDay #KnowBeforeYouGo
@NWSduluth https://t.co/btQmZzBDZi #SMEM
#nationalweatherpersonsday #knowbeforeyougo #smem
@4029Darby: Couldn't be prouder to head up the 40/29 Weather Team: @4029Majestic, @4029Robert & @4029Martin.
In combination with our storm chasers (Jim Dixon, Jeff Dixon & Damon Shaw) ... hardest working, most caring group of mets in the biz!
#nationalweatherpersonsday #arwx #okwx https://twitter.com/4029Darby/status/1622249693882245160
#nationalweatherpersonsday #arwx #okwx
The National Weather Service in Las Vegas would like to take a moment to thank our staff, volunteers, and partners in TV & commercial weather services, as well as our NWS Neighbors & all NWS/NOAA meteorologists across the country for all that you do! ❤️ #NationalWeatherpersonsDay
Happy #NationalWeatherPersonsDay! Our gratitude goes out to everyone in all branches of meteorology as well as volunteers, storm spotters and weather enthusiasts! Be sure to send a special thanks to your favorite weather person today 😃
Happy #NationalWeatherPersonsDay to all my fellow #meteorologists ❤️🎉
#nationalweatherpersonsday #meteorologists
Today is #NationalWeatherpersonsDay! This day commemorates the birth of John Jefferies who was one of America’s 1st weather observers. We’ll be recognizing members of our staff who provide forecasts & warning services at NWS CLE beginning with Nick & Freddie.