RT @nschindlerns
Celebrating our women physicians @NorthShoreWeb today #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay blessed to work with many amazing women making healthcare better everyday! @evebmd @ewa_schafer @cathpesce @HoggNDMD @katekopkashmd @kim9schaefer @KrezalekMD @BridgetWild3 @SalamonMD and many more
Celebrating the life of Dr. Eliza Ann Grier who, emancipated from slavery, became the first Black woman licensed to practice medicine in Georgia.
#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackWomeninMedicine #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay
Changing the Face of Medicine | Eliza Ann Grier
#blackhistorymonth #BlackWomeninMedicine #nationalwomenphysiciansday
RT @BurgartBioethix
Greatest gift on #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay??
Running into @JessieAllanMD in the hallway @StanfordChild! We’re between patient care tasks, but got to get a hug and catch up. 🥰🩺
Yesterday was #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay
And no surprise, this week's #PolicyCapsule discusses gender equity - specifically #paygap, #parentalleave, & discrimination.
I even attempt some basic math to quantify the total $$$ (salary + interest) a female primary care physician will lose over 40 years due to the pay gap.
This post is complete with a case review, policy breakdown, call to action, and some math for good measure.
#nationalwomenphysiciansday #policycapsule #paygap #parentalleave #WomenInMedicine #GenderEquity
RT @inside_thematch
Happy #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay! The number of women entering the physician pipeline has steadily increased and now totals more than 71K. Below is breakdown by specialty. More stats available in the @acgme Data Resource Book: https://acgme.org/about-us/publications-and-resources/graduate-medical-education-data-resource-book/ #InsideTheMatch #MedTwitter
#nationalwomenphysiciansday #InsideTheMatch #medtwitter
#NationalWomenPhysiciansDay #NationalWearRedDay #GoRedForWomen #WearRedDay Feb 3 #ElizabethBlackwell B-Day.
#IMProud #WomenInMedicine #SheForShe
ACP #WIM resources: https://bit.ly/3jqGIH1
ACP’s “Keeping Your Heart Healthy” resources: https://bit.ly/3wUhkwh
(Repost from ACP - #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay ACP celebrates women physicians, including ACP CEO/EVP Dr. Darilyn Moyer, Board of Governors Chair @DrChoiIMID, and Board of Regents Chair Dr. Sue Bornstein.)
#nationalwomenphysiciansday #nationalwearredday #goredforwomen #wearredday #elizabethblackwell #IMProud #WomenInMedicine #sheforshe #WIM
RT @acgme
Tomorrow is #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay. The number of women entering the physician pipeline has steadily increased and now totals more than 71K. Below is the breakdown by specialty. More stats available in the #ACGME Data Resource Book: https://www.acgme.org/about-us/publications-and-resources/graduate-medical-education-data-resource-book/ #NWPD
#nationalwomenphysiciansday #acgme #nwpd
RT @AmCollSurgeons
Happy #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay to all of our incredible women surgeons! We are constantly inspired by your dedication to the field of surgery.
RT @LatinoSurgery
Happy National Women Physicians Day from the Latino Surgical Society!
We are so grateful for all the women that have paved the way, especially to our very own LSS members who continue to make strides in the world of surgery! 💪🏼🩺🔪
#latinxsurgeons #nationalwomenphysiciansday
#latinxsurgeons #nationalwomenphysiciansday
More on #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay!
To recognize the day, I thought it would be fun to put together a roundup of my favorite blog posts I've written on #WomenInMedicine over the past two years
#nationalwomenphysiciansday #WomenInMedicine #blog #blogging #MedMastodon
RT @AMWADoctors
On #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay we are delighted to announce that @NancySpectorMD of @DrexelMedicine & @ELAMProgram is AMWA's 2023 Elizabeth Blackwell Awardee! A deserving recipient for AMWA's highest award!
Read more: http://bit.ly/blackwell23
#MedTwitter #WomenInMedicine
#nationalwomenphysiciansday #medtwitter #WomenInMedicine
#holidays #InternationalGoldenRetrieverDay, #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay, #NationalCordovaIceWormDay, #NationalWeddingRingDay, #NationalPatientRecognitionDay, #NationalMissingPersonsDay, #NationalCarrotCakeDay, #NationalWearRedDay, #TheDayTheMusicDied, #GiveKidsASmileDay, #TakeACruiseDay, #FourChaplainsMemorialDay, #DoggyDateNight, #AmericanPaintersDay, #BubblegumDay
#holidays #internationalgoldenretrieverday #nationalwomenphysiciansday #nationalcordovaicewormday #nationalweddingringday #nationalpatientrecognitionday #nationalmissingpersonsday #nationalcarrotcakeday #nationalwearredday #thedaythemusicdied #givekidsasmileday #takeacruiseday #fourchaplainsmemorialday #doggydatenight #americanpaintersday #bubblegumday
#holidays #InternationalGoldenRetrieverDay, #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay, #NationalCordovaIceWormDay, #NationalWeddingRingDay, #NationalPatientRecognitionDay, #NationalMissingPersonsDay, #NationalCarrotCakeDay, #NationalWearRedDay, #TheDayTheMusicDied, #GiveKidsASmileDay, #TakeACruiseDay, #FourChaplainsMemorialDay, #DoggyDateNight, #AmericanPaintersDay, #BubblegumDay
#holidays #internationalgoldenretrieverday #nationalwomenphysiciansday #nationalcordovaicewormday #nationalweddingringday #nationalpatientrecognitionday #nationalmissingpersonsday #nationalcarrotcakeday #nationalwearredday #thedaythemusicdied #givekidsasmileday #takeacruiseday #fourchaplainsmemorialday #doggydatenight #americanpaintersday #bubblegumday
Today is #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay, & I’d like to recommend the book Women in White Coats, by Olivia Campbell
#nationalwomenphysiciansday #MedMastodon #WomenInMedicine
Happy #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay! The number of women entering the physician pipeline has steadily increased and now totals more than 71K. Below is breakdown by specialty. More stats available in the @acgme Data Resource Book: https://acgme.org/about-us/publications-and-resources/graduate-medical-education-data-resource-book/ #InsideTheMatch #MedTwitter
#nationalwomenphysiciansday #InsideTheMatch #medtwitter