RSVP by noon ET today to join the 1/2-hour FSP general info session this evening / afternoon, 6:30 ET / 3:30 PT. We do it once a quarter. Ask questions!
#labor #union #freelance #FreelanceSolidarityProject #NationalWritersUnion
#labor #union #freelance #freelancesolidarityproject #nationalwritersunion #freelanceisntfree
Great chance to know the Freelance Solidarity Project as a labor organizing initiative first hand: next week, Mar. 7.
The FSP’s quarterly 30-min. general info chat, open to everybody (just RSVP please), is Tuesday evening, 6:30 ET / 3:30 PT.
Join us. Ask questions!
#labor #union #freelance #FreelanceSolidarityProject #NationalWritersUnion
#labor #union #freelance #freelancesolidarityproject #nationalwritersunion #freelanceisntfree
This week, Thursday Feb. 9 7ET/4PT, a joint town hall on the topic “Artificial Intelligence and Our Work” will be held for NewsGuild-CWA, NABET-CWA, National Writers Union, and Writers Guild of America East members and staff.
#journalism #artificialIntelligence #AI #NewsGuild #WritersGuildEast #WGA #NationalWritersUnion #NWU #NABETCWA
#journalism #artificialintelligence #ai #newsguild #writersguildeast #wga #nationalwritersunion #nwu #nabetcwa