I came across an awesome little nation simulator game via F-Droid, but instead of focusing on conquering nations, it's more like building communities, having political discussions, building national and regional lore, and having positive fun with it.
Anyways, here's the nation I made a few days ago. If any of you guys are on #NationStates too, let me know and maybe we can create our own region of nations. https://www.nationstates.net/agudo_island
crustacean-states: a #NationStates API in #Rust in early alpha!
GitHub: https://github.com/triskofwhaleisland/crustacean-states
(GitLab mirror coming soon)
Crates.io: https://crates.io/crates/crustacean-states
>The 21st Century is changing much about the world that humans take for granted. Among the more shocking possibilities is that it will sound the death-knell of the nation-state as the main instrument of human self-governance.
>However, certain currents are now established in the stream of history whose confluence threatens to engulf the nation as an entity. Everywhere. And it is time we discuss the possibility, rather than assume that everything will remains the same, forever.
>The first of these gigantic currents is the rise and rise of transnational businesses, whose individual economic might now exceeds that of all but the largest nations. These self-governed entities – they are nearly all autocracies despite the occasional shareholder meeting – now dominate more than half the world economy and do pretty much as they choose. They buy and sell governments. They bend, break and amend the laws of nation states more or less at will. And they pay only a whisker of their fair share of taxes.
>The second current is the defiance of regulation. National governments can no longer control these giant businesses as they skip adroitly between jurisdictions.
>A third reason that the nation state is in trouble is the rise of social media. Yes, social media, that font of trivia and vapid opinion, is rapidly becoming more potent as a determinant of political outcomes than the creaking ‘power centres’... It is particularly susceptible to well-poisoning by fossil fuel companies and other manipulators, with their armies of bots and ‘useful idiots’.
>A fourth reason why governments are failing is their growing impotence.
>A fifth reason nation states are crumbling is refugeeism.
>For all their patriotic sentiments, flag-waving and anthems, nations have basically been a poor idea. Since the 1850s they’ve slaughtered around 200 million humans – mostly civilians – in their wars. More, even, than religions. And it wasn’t the people who started these wars – it was their governments (almost universally male)... Their predilection for mass murder is a purely masculine attribute. None of their wars were started by women – a substantive argument to make women leaders of everything. If humans wish to survive, that is.
>The most important thing for people to realise is that nations, individually and collectively, do not have the answers to the existential crisis now facing humanity. They are too selfish, too parochial in their thinking, too politically compromised, too argumentative, too anachronistic. They are an ugly, brutal phase in our history – not a solution to our future. They need to get out of the way. People who cling to nationalistic ideals need to grow up and face reality.
#FsckPatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #NationStates #ChangeTheSystem
#fsckpatriarchy #fsckallreligion #nationstates #changethesystem
Anyone here play #nationstates ? Same one as 20 years ago, same gameplay (limited amount of issues a day, pick from prescribed choices, always some twist). I've picked it up again recently and have finally got a Left Wing utopia with a strong economy, pretty chuffed☺️. I'd love to share thoughts occasionally with others, but like, not actually participate in the forums there.
Here's my nation anyway. Working on getting crime back to "unheard of" after A TERRIBLE MISTAKE. https://www.nationstates.net/nation=deros
Finnish government starts construction of Russian border fence, citing Putin’s exploitation of their irrational fear of people of color and an effort to prevent Russian men from fleeing Ukraine war draft https://www.barrons.com/news/finland-starts-construction-of-russian-border-fence-d4d80684 #NationStates #WhiteNationalism #FortressEurope #Orientalism #LiberalDemocracy #SocialDemocracy #Contradictions #Borders @immigration @geopolitics @geography
#nationstates #whitenationalism #fortresseurope #orientalism #liberaldemocracy #socialdemocracy #contradictions #borders
Reportage from where a private company and state-led border building converge to violently evict people from their ancestral land https://www.theborderchronicle.com/p/reporters-notebook-the-crisis-nobody #FortressConservation #BigGameHunting #borders #EthnicCleansing #Indigenous #Kenya #Tanzania #UAE #neocolonialism #Maasai #conservation #capitalism #NationStates @geography @geopolitics
#fortressconservation #biggamehunting #borders #ethniccleansing #indigenous #kenya #tanzania #uae #neocolonialism #maasai #conservation #capitalism #nationstates
IDF using surveillance to arrest Syrians crossing into what was once Syria https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-728833/amp #borders #absurdity #nationstates
#borders #absurdity #nationstates
Poll: IMO humanity has one of two long-term futures:
• EITHER: We ditch #NationStates and evolve a single, unified #WorldGovernment (plus sort out #ClimateChange #ASAP);
• OR: We eradicate ourselves one way or another (nukes, disease, climate etc?), proving that humans were too #stupid to #survive.
Broadly agree/disagree?
(Please boost for wider opinion/votes.)
#survive #stupid #asap #climatechange #worldgovernment #nationstates
🇪🇺 Can the European Union create a post-imperial world through reconciliation?
#cooperation #nationstates #Europe #EU
Mastodon, or: What if You Took the #NationStates Metagame and Applied It to #Twitter
Hello Hachyderm and Mastodon! Time for an #introduction.
I'm a cis male computer programmer living in the UK. In my spare time I've coded a couple #Minecraft #Spigot plugins (#Java), a few #Discord bots (#Python), and a number of #Wordpress sites.
I love #VideoGames with my current focuses being #BlackDesertOnline & #Rimworld. And I play #dandd5e & #BoardGames.
I'm also a geek. I participate in #NationStates communities, enjoy #StarTrek and #Anime, and love starships, sci-fi & fantasy. (1/2)
#introduction #minecraft #spigot #java #discord #python #wordpress #videogames #blackdesertonline #rimworld #dandd5e #boardgames #nationstates #startrek #anime
RT @ICalzada@twitter.com
Flagship #BigTech firms of #SurveillanceCapitalism –
e.g. #Google and #Facebook/#Metaverse – have already assumed many functions previously
associated with #NationStates by rescaling them 6/n
#bigtech #surveillancecapitalism #google #facebook #nationstates
RT @ICalzada@twitter.com
Flagship #BigTech firms of #SurveillanceCapitalism –
e.g. #Google and #Facebook/#Metaverse – have already assumed many functions previously
associated with #NationStates by rescaling them 6/n
#bigtech #surveillancecapitalism #google #facebook #nationstates
Flagship #BigTech firms of #SurveillanceCapitalism –
e.g. #Google and #Facebook/#Metaverse – have already assumed many functions previously
associated with #NationStates by rescaling them 6/n
#bigtech #surveillancecapitalism #google #facebook #nationstates
Flagship #BigTech firms of #SurveillanceCapitalism –
e.g. #Google and #Facebook/#Metaverse – have already assumed many functions previously
associated with #NationStates by rescaling them 6/n
#bigtech #surveillancecapitalism #google #facebook #nationstates
Flagship #BigTech firms of #SurveillanceCapitalism –
e.g. #Google and #Facebook/#Metaverse – have already assumed many functions previously
associated with #NationStates by rescaling them 6/n
#bigtech #surveillancecapitalism #google #facebook #nationstates
Flagship #BigTech firms of #SurveillanceCapitalism –
e.g. #Google and #Facebook/#Metaverse – have already assumed many functions previously
associated with #NationStates by rescaling them 6/n
#bigtech #surveillancecapitalism #google #facebook #nationstates
Wow, 20 already.
Happy birthday #NationStates
(Intro p.II) I havent used twitter in a long time - it long ago became a place i went to during crises but didnt want to hang out. I'm definitely liberal/progressive but i actually have Old #Republican friends: that is, #RBT (Republican before T$!mp). I think they are wrong about nearly everything domestically but we had some good friendly knock-down drag-outs over welfare policy and the like. Im not into overthrowing anything but im a serious critic of #nationalism and #nationstates.
#nationstates #nationalism #RBT #republican