Native Americans Protest ~
Since 9/11, nearly 19 percent of Native Americans have served in the armed forces, compared to an average of 14 percent of all other ethnicities. They deserve respect from the NFL and from every American.
#NFL #NativeAmercan #Protest
From the belly we all grow,
The womb, a place we all well know.
A path that leads to the bow,
A tip that flies above below.
So grab your hides and pipes, so bold
This ride is wild and untold.
Changing arms to corsets blue,
Like a baby so brand new.
Will I remember the star I flew?
All the pain and love so true?
Familiar whispers from the Sioux,
Another lifetime gone, adieu.
#strength #honor #peace #love #peacepipe #nativeamercan #French #pastlife #pastlives #rebirth #shedding #snake #allies #spacebetween #poem #poetry
#strength #honor #peace #love #peacepipe #nativeamercan #French #pastlife #pastlives #rebirth #shedding #snake #allies #spacebetween #poem #poetry