A couple bash files and a few .NET 8 Preview related workarounds later, we now have an automated way to compile a .NET assembly and auto-generated bindings for #Swift using NativeAOT into an XCFramework containing #iOS and #macOS binaries for all architectures.
All but two unit tests succeed and I'm confident the two remaining should be fixed by tomorrow.
Thx again @filipnavara & @Alex for all your help!
#swiftlang #swift #xcode #nativeaot #csharp #dotnet @royalapps
#swift #ios #macos #swiftlang #xcode #nativeaot #csharp #dotnet
А вообще я конечно жду полную совместимость с #nativeaot в #aspnetcore.
Вот тогда заживем! Можно будет не тащить весь рантайм с собой. Это еще по 70 (?) метров с образа.
Great article from @jakejscott on deploying a serverless api using .NET NativeAOT. It is not a beginner content whether on .NET or AWS but it is worth a reading. I think we can even go a step further Docker build steps inside the CDK stack by leveraging the BundlingOptions interface.
#aws #dotnet #nativeaot #cdk #serverless
#aws #dotnet #nativeaot #cdk #serverless
@strizhechenko бери #dotnet. Потом делаешь #nativeaot и у тебя маленький бинарник и жизнь хороша
HexView an @avaloniaui app running on Windows 7 using #NativeAOT #dotnet 8 #csharp, instant startup, smooth scrolling 🔥
RT: weislawsoltes
NET 8 preview1 #NativeAOT @AvaloniaUI is 🚀 #dotnet #xaml #lightspeed startup ram usage 24 MB, executable 20.9 MB
#nativeaot #dotnet #xaml #lightspeed
.NET 8 #nativeaot #dotnet #xaml #avaloniaui 30MB ram usage looks good
#nativeaot #dotnet #xaml #avaloniaui
Hi everyone ! Here's my #introduction 👋, it's probably time, because why not.
Not sure what to write, but let's try.
I'm an software developer on .NET platofmr, probably sometimes web dev, sometimes works on IoT, sometimes a bit of Desktop and mobile. Interested in improving #NativeAOT for .NET and that keeps me busy!
Thanks @nova for the instance and welcoming place.
So if you're using #dotnet #NativeAOT to build multiple (dynamic) libraries, it appears that each one has its own instance of the garbage collector.
Which makes sense. I mean, where else could the GC be?
This means if you get an object handle (as a GCHandle/IntPtr) from one NativeAOT library and pass it to another NativeAOT library, it won't be able to convert it back to an object reference.
Like I said, nothing surprising here if you think about it, but I like to know how things work.
@rstropek maybe at some point, executing "dotnet run" will spin up a wasmtime docker and run 20 orchesterated services from webassembly.
It basically makes the additional IL layer obsolete.
Did you evaluate #dotnet7 with its #NativeAOT capabilites in regards to #wasm ?
RT @dotnetonAWS
🚀 #AWS announces AWS Lambda tooling support for .NET 7!
You can build and deploy .NET 7 applications to Lambda, including apps compiled using #NativeAOT. .NET 7 brings many performance improvements and optimizations. 👉 https://go.aws/3g5KYdk
#aws #nativeaot #dotnet #serverless
Updates on the serverless .NET docs site to add content on how to use .NET 7 and native AOT with AWS Lambda.
#serverless #dotnet #aws #awslambda #nativeaot