#ColumbiaBasinTrust ’s most recent #Ecosystem #Enhancement #Program will provide #funding to ten #projects that seek to enhance #biodiversity & #ecosystems throughout the region.
#CBT will distribute $2.6 million in support to four large-scale projects around the Basin & $316,000 to six smaller scale, shorter-term projects, to prioritize on-the-ground action aimed at improving #ecological #health and #NativeBiodiversity
#columbiabasintrust #ecosystem #enhancement #program #funding #projects #biodiversity #ecosystems #cbt #ecological #health #nativebiodiversity #britishcolumbia #ecology #conservation #nature
@Ecoinvasions Hello! I study #InvasiveSpecies at the local level - how do we effectively remove #InvasivePlants - and also regional-scale drivers such as #NativeBiodiversity, #Trade, #LandUseChange
#invasivespecies #invasiveplants #nativebiodiversity #trade #landusechange