Home of endangered marsupial hit by state-sanctioned logging in NSW, environmentalists say
"Conservationists say Forestry Corporation of NSW logging operation is ‘knocking to pieces’ a forest home to the greater glider..The greater glider is Australia’s largest gliding marsupial. It was listed as endangered in 2022 after losing significant parts of its habitat to bushfire, drought, land-clearing and logging."
#NSW #endangered #habitats #species #StopLogging #NativeForest #TallagandaSF #ForestryCorporation #NSWLogging #NSWForestry #ThreatenedSpecies #marsupials #biodiversity
#nsw #endangered #habitats #species #stoplogging #nativeforest #tallagandasf #forestrycorporation #nswlogging #nswforestry #threatenedspecies #marsupials #biodiversity
A ‘Paris Agreement for nature?
Sydney will be the host for the first Global N a t u r e P o s i t i v e Summit in early October 2024. It is is concerned with the financialisation of biodiversity ecosystems.
"The “Nature Positive” agenda promotes the financialisation of nature – that there is a monetary value to nature, that this dollar figure could define all that nature means to us, and that we can start trading plots of nature like tokens and feeding into an ecosystem service that only benefits some people, in particular economies. The decision makers for all of this would be the exact same industry players and politicians who are destroying nature for profit now."
“Nature Positive” would be a bag of tricks for them to d i s t r a c t, d e f e r , and o b s c u r e their harm for nature: “destroying your forest is okay, because we’re not destroying someone else’s.” This is not only greenwashing, it is dangerous."
"The Global Biodiversity Framework agreed to by 196 countries at the United Nations biodiversity conference last year was described as the ‘Paris agreement for nature’. It set a target of US$200 billion per year of funding to be spent on nature repair by 2030...The Summit will highlight how clear and consistent rules will enable businesses to invest in and measure projects that repair nature."
“Turning the tide like this, from nature destruction to nature repair, will require a mighty global effort, Plibersek said."
#biodiversity #destruction #nature #Sydney #greenwashing #spin #forests #StopLogging #NativeForest #NSW #NaturePositive #EcosystemService #ecosystems #CashCow #biodiversity #BusinessAsUsual
#biodiversity #destruction #nature #sydney #greenwashing #spin #forests #stoplogging #nativeforest #nsw #naturepositive #ecosystemservice #ecosystems #cashcow #businessasusual
How 19th-century plantations turned Maui into a tinderbox
Hawaii/ Lahaina, the 18th century, “Venice of the Pacific”:
"A glut of natural wetlands nourished breadfruit trees, extensive taro terraces and fishponds that sustained wildlife and generations of Native."
"But more than a century and a half of plantation agriculture, driven by American and European colonists, have depleted Lahaina’s streams and turned biodiverse food forests into tinderboxes... The rise of plantation capital spawned the drying of the west side of Maui."
"Land privatization and water depletion set the stage for the Lahaina fire 150 years ago. ...Disaster capitalism at its finest”
#colonial #monoculture #plantations #water #rights #logging #IndigenousPeoples #Lahaina #Hawaii #disasters #Australia #NativeForest #bushfires
#colonial #monoculture #plantations #water #rights #logging #indigenouspeoples #lahaina #hawaii #disasters #australia #nativeforest #bushfires
Australia’s environment must be given legal priority over land-clearing and logging to survive, Ken Henry
#logging #NativeForest #StopLogging #NSW #BellingenLogging #NewryStateForest #TuckersNobStateForest #biodiversity #climate
#logging #nativeforest #stoplogging #nsw #bellingenlogging #newrystateforest #tuckersnobstateforest #biodiversity #climate
Calls for nationwide end to native logging
Landline | ABC News
#NativeForest #logging #StopLogging #NewryStateForest #NSWLogging #SaveTuckersNob #biodiversity #climate #extinction #fightback #protests
#nativeforest #logging #stoplogging #newrystateforest #nswlogging #savetuckersnob #biodiversity #climate #extinction #fightback #protests
Australia is at a turning point
250 years of extinctions and degradation is enough.
Every indicator on the environment is going in the wrong direction.
"The Henry review is the latest in a number reports that have found Australia’s natural environment is in peril. The five-yearly state of the environment released last year found it was in poor and deteriorating health due to pressure from climate change, habitat loss, invasive species, pollution and mining."
"Dr Ken Henry (Chair of the Australian Climate and Biodiversity Foundation) says NSW’s biodiversity laws are failing and must be overhauled to give nature protection primacy over l o g g i n g , mining and urban expansion....Australia’s environment must be given legal priority over land-clearing and logging to survive."
"He made the comments after leading a scathing review of the New South Wales Biodiversity Conservation Act, which said the laws were failing and were likely to never succeed unless they were overhauled to give n a t u r e p r o t e c t i o n primacy over development, logging, mining and urban expansion."
“Legislation that deals with rural lands and rural land-clearing, in particular, [but also] legislation that deals with planning, with f o r e s t r y , with mining – you name it, all of those other acts have p r i m a c y over the biodiversity and conservation act, and they are undermining its effectiveness..That’s the biggest problem."
"On nature, Henry’s recommendations included the creation of “no-go” zones in which land-clearing would be banned and major changes to the state’s biodiversity offset scheme, which was found to be “compromised”."
“Fix the biodiversity offset scheme, strengthen environmental protections and stop runaway land-clearing”.
#IntergenerationalTragedy #Offsetting #climate #Logging #StopLogging #NativeForest #Australia #policy #environment #law #biodiversity #extinction makers
#intergenerationaltragedy #offsetting #climate #logging #stoplogging #nativeforest #australia #policy #environment #law #biodiversity #extinction
Half of species under threat in NSW are on course to become extinct in next 100 years
Stop Logging and land clearing!
The review "found n a t i v e f o r e s t l o g g i n g was damaging f o r e s t e c o s y s t e m s and the habitat of native species and was scathing of the state’s offset scheme."
"Laws meant to protect the environment in New South Wales are failing and unlikely to ever succeed unless substantially changed, according to a scathing review that warns half of the species under threat in the state are on course to become extinct within the next 100 years."
"The independent review of the Biodiversity Conservation Act, released on Thursday, makes 58 recommendations to overhaul nature protections in the state and commit the government to preserving the environment for future generations."
#Biodiversity #Conservation #NSW #law #koalas #GKNP #BellingenLogging #NativeForest #Logging #NewryStateForest #StopLogging #TuckersNobSF #SaveTuckersNob #climate
#biodiversity #conservation #nsw #law #koalas #gknp #bellingenlogging #nativeforest #logging #newrystateforest #stoplogging #tuckersnobsf #savetuckersnob #climate
NSW environment protection laws unlikely to succeed without major overhaul, damning review finds
"A scathing review of NSW environment laws warns half of the species under threat in the state are on course to become extinct within the next 100 years.. Biodiversity is not being conserved."
#NSW #biodiversity #law #EnvironmentalManagement #conservation #failure #Koala #extractivism #NativeForest #logging #SaveTuckersNob #extinction makers
#nsw #biodiversity #environmentalmanagement #conservation #failure #koala #extinction #law #extractivism #nativeforest #logging #savetuckersnob
The extraction roads they are building around Bellingen (for the last year) could be sourcing the road making materials from the NSW Hunter region which is also a koala habitat. The forests there and here are covered in dust and residents relying on water caught off their roofs are forced to drink polluted water.
#koalas #logging #quarry #StopLogging #NativeForest #BellingenLogging #roads #traffic #dust #pollution #water #Bellingen #WaterTanks #RosesRd #GlenifferRoad #SaveTuckersNob
#koalas #logging #quarry #stoplogging #nativeforest #bellingenlogging #roads #traffic #dust #pollution #water #bellingen #watertanks #rosesrd #glenifferroad #savetuckersnob
Nothing to see here in the public forest
The Forest Bridge proposal seeks to retain koala connectivity from Bongil Bongil to Bingarri NP's.
The Forest Bridge Pine Creek & Tuckers Nob State Forest logged, John Pile
A wasteland, no habitat for wildlife, no forest for future generations.
#NPs #NativeForest #EcologicalCorridor #wildlife #connectivity #wasteland #NSWLogging #biodiversity #climate #extinction makers
#nps #nativeforest #ecologicalcorridor #wildlife #connectivity #wasteland #nswlogging #biodiversity #climate #extinction
Scenic Bellingen, NSW
Then and now?
#NSW #Bellingen #GKNP #NSWLogging #logging #SaveTuckersKnob #NativeForest #deforestation #extractivism
#nsw #bellingen #gknp #nswlogging #logging #savetuckersknob #nativeforest #deforestation #extractivism
Bellingen's Friends of Tucker’s Nob organise via that FB/ Meta thing:
Friends of Tucker’s Nob
#NSW #Bellingen #GKNP #NSWLogging #logging #SaveTuckersKnob #NativeForest #deforestation
#nsw #bellingen #gknp #nswlogging #logging #savetuckersknob #nativeforest #deforestation
Formal Advisory to Minister Moriarty with Evidence of Remnant Original Forest in Tuckers Nob Plantation Compartments 026 and 027
Dear Minister,
As responsible Minister, I am writing with a formal advisory to notify you of the presence of original forest within the area proposed for extractive operations, TCK 026 and 027.....>>
Dr. Tim Cadman
#NSW #Bellingen #GKNP #NSWLogging #logging #SaveTuckersKnob #NativeForest #deforestation #transparency #RiparianZones
#nsw #bellingen #gknp #nswlogging #logging #savetuckersknob #nativeforest #deforestation #transparency #riparianzones
Bit of today's walk.
"Many parts of the world have successfully moved away from heavy extraction-based industries – both ecologically and economically.
The supply of sawlogs in Victoria was close to being exhausted, and the state’s #LoggingIndustry had long been financially unviable. Restoring the forest offers the opportunity to put something better in its place. Restoring heavily logged forests will need an active workforce for many years to come. First Nations empowerment is key. Now begins a long and difficult process to recover vast areas of forest after more than 50 years of #clearfelling and other destructive logging practices."
#NativeForest #Logging #EnvironmentalRestoration #Extractivism #Destruction #Biodiversity
#loggingindustry #clearfelling #nativeforest #logging #environmentalrestoration #extractivism #destruction #biodiversity
Native forest logging never made sense
"After the chainsaws, the quiet: Victoria’s rapid exit from #NativeForest #Logging is welcome – and long overdue. Almost all (86%) of felled native forests in Victoria are turned into low-value products such as woodchips, paper pulp and boxliners.
Today is a day for celebrating. At last, Victoria’s government has acted for the future. Preserving our native forests is worth much more in carbon storage, water production and tourism than they ever were as woodchips.
Victoria’s move is a clarion call for other Australian states still doggedly logging their precious #forests."
#NSW #Biodiversity #ClimateAction
#nativeforest #logging #forests #nsw #biodiversity #climateaction
"Evidence of forests being actively converted by #NSWForestry to #plantations"
#GlenifferRoad #BellingenLogging (0.47min)
all videos by Tim Cadman
#TuckersNob #NativeForest #Logging #Biodiversity #Koalas #Bellingen #Roads #detour
#nswforestry #plantations #glenifferroad #bellingenlogging #tuckersnob #nativeforest #logging #biodiversity #koalas #bellingen #roads #detour
Re-forestation is a niche special interest of mine. I have many feelings about our forestry and agriculture policy, which can basically be summed up as 🌳>🐄
#rewilding #nativeforest #biodiversity
The #SaveBulgaForest campaign kicked off in the week before Christmas, as FCNSW moved into the Bulga State Forest to start logging native forests recovering from the 2019-20 bushfires.
The Bulga Plateau is west of Port Macquarie on the NSW Mid North Coast and the local community in early January 2023 set up camp at the Ellenborough Falls campground.
Margo Kingston has been live tweeting on the ground with a thread of 68 tweets covering all the action.
Check out the story as it unfolds and give these forest legends some love and retweets.
Save Bulga Forest is inviting supportive folk to join them at camp to help stop the logging of Bulga Forest and put #NativeForest protection in the spotlight as we head into a #NSWElection.
Camp info: https://savebulgaforest.org/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/savebulgaforest
#EndNativeForestLogging #VoteForKoalas #Forests4Climate #Forests4Life #Forests4Water #NSWVotes
#savebulgaforest #nativeforest #nswelection #endnativeforestlogging #voteforkoalas #forests4climate #forests4life #forests4water #nswvotes #standup4forests
Giuthas. Pinus Sylvestris. Scots Pine.
Bhon ghiùthsach aosmhor nàdarra an arainn Loch an Eilein.
Part of the native and ancient Caledon forest surrounding Loch an Eilein.
#ThickTrunkTuesday #NativeForest #Scotland #Highlands #Gaelic #MastoDaoine #LochAnEilein
#lochaneilein #mastodaoine #gaelic #highlands #scotland #nativeforest #thicktrunktuesday