many mines in the Black Hills faced declining production and eventually closed.
But #MiningOperations continue to this day, particularly in areas where modern exploration techniques have revealed new #reserves or where mining methods have become more efficient. Mining in the #BlackHills has had significant environmental impacts, including #deforestation, #SoilErosion, and #WaterPollution, resulting in #conflicts with #NativePeoples who consider the Black Hills to be a sacred site.
#nativepeoples #conflicts #waterpollution #SoilErosion #deforestation #blackhills #reserves #MiningOperations
In 1947, American #anthropologist John Honigmann, wrote one of the only accounts of an outbreak of #WitchKillings in northern #BritishColumbia & #Yukon Territory .
#Indigenous #FirstNations #Canada #WitchHunts #TrueCanadianHistory #RevealingHistory #Kaska #Athapaskan #Tahltan #Slavey #Cree #Alaska #NativePeoples #IndigenousGenocide #persecution #Racism #FalseAccusations #colonialism
#anthropologist #witchkillings #britishcolumbia #yukon #indigenous #firstnations #canada #witchhunts #truecanadianhistory #revealinghistory #kaska #athapaskan #tahltan #slavey #cree #alaska #nativepeoples #indigenousgenocide #persecution #racism #falseaccusations #colonialism
I have a few #Indigenous in #BritishColumbia friends trying to migrate to Mastodon this week. I don't have capacity to write up a beginner's guide for #NativePeoples seeking to migrate over right now - I'm out of spoons today. Putting this out there to #NativeMastodon & #IndigenousMastodon - if you have a beginner's link for our #NativeFriends - post reply here. I'll share this with my native pals in migration process.
Please retoot & boost to help my native friends moving over.
#indigenous #britishcolumbia #nativepeoples #nativemastodon #indigenousmastodon #nativefriends
#NorthAmerican #Indigenous #NativePeoples used #purslane for earaches & antidote to poisoning, analgesic, anthelmintic & poultice for burns & general panacea. They also powdered seeds to use flour, dried stems for winter rations & used it to feed sheep.
#northamerican #indigenous #nativepeoples #purslane
#NativeTraditionalUses of #BitterDock :
#Indigenous #Chippewa used an infusion of roots as dermatological aid to treat skin problems. #Delaware & #Oklahoma #NativePeoples used infusion of roots as blood purifier & treating jaundice. #Iroquois made compound decoction of roots & used it for blood disorders & also used it as a contraceptive. Decoction of roots was given to children to treat whooping cough.
#LearnAboutNativePlants #NativePlantMedicine #NaturalMedicine #WildMedicines #PlantUseInfo
#nativetraditionaluses #bitterdock #indigenous #Chippewa #delaware #oklahoma #nativepeoples #iroquois #learnaboutnativeplants #nativeplantmedicine #naturalmedicine #wildmedicines #plantuseinfo
#Nuuchahnulth #FirstNation #NativePeoples made broom #tools for collecting #dentalia shells. The #shells were a form of #currency (Pojar and Mackinnon, 2004). Branches used to spread/cook salmon & hanging salmon for drying/smoking (Daris and Gonzalves, 2009). #Seeds were used in teas to treat diarrhea (Meuninck, 2016, 147). Nancy Turner noted #hardhack bark was used to make #Womens #medicine, as a source of #aspirin (Hebda and Turner, 2017).
#nuuchahnulth #firstnation #nativepeoples #tools #dentalia #shells #currency #seeds #hardhack #womens #medicine #aspirin #vanisle #nativeplants #pnw #learnaboutnativeplants
Kiowa photographer Horace Poolaw (Fà:bô), one of the first professional Native photographers of the early 20th century, made this charming portrait of three children in their Sunday finest. They are identified as Newton Poolaw (left), Jerry Poolaw (middle), and Elmer Thomas Suankeah (right) around 1928.
#historyofphotography #photohistory #Kiowa #nativephotographers #nativepeoples #poolaw #horacepoolaw
Kiowa photographer Horace Poolaw (Fà:bô), one of the first professional Native photographers of the early 20th century, made this charming portrait of three children in their Sunday finest. They are identified as Newton Poolaw (left), Jerry Poolaw (middle), and Elmer Thomas Suankeah (right). Created around 1928.
#historyofphotography #photohistory #Kiowa #nativephotographers #nativepeoples #poolaw #horacepoolaw
(The #Keewatin #TribalCouncil declared a regional #StateOfEmergency on Thursday afternoon to draw attention to the "dire" situations on the northern #Manitoba communities & to urge #immediate #GovernmentAction .
The tribal council is made up of 11 communities, including #Shamattawa FirstNation & GodsLakeFirstNation - which have already declared states of emergency in the last six months.)
#Canada #HumanRights #Indigenous #NativePeoples #HelpNeeded #CommunityInCrisis
#keewatin #tribalcouncil #stateofemergency #manitoba #immediate #governmentaction #shamattawa #canada #humanrights #indigenous #nativepeoples #helpneeded #communityincrisis
I sewed over 1600 masks as a member of the remarkable group, The Auntie Sewing Squad:
We sewed masks for:
#farmworkers #prisoners #houselesspeople #blmactivists #aaspactivists #gotvactivists #nurses #children #nativepeoples
#farmworkers #prisoners #HouseLessPeople #blmactivists #aaspactivists #gotvactivists #nurses #children #nativepeoples
short biography of Cherokee leader John Ross
Edward S. Curtis is known for his many soft-focused, pictorialist-style portraits of Native Peoples, but he also created some striking photographs that draw the viewer into another world. One of my favorites is this scene of the Makah Indian village at Neah Bay, Washington, created in 1915. It was published in "The North American Indian," volume 11, 1916 opposite page 14."
#EdwardCurtis #MakahTribe #NativePeoples #NeahBay #Washington #vintagephotography #NorthAmericanIndian
#northamericanindian #vintagephotography #Washington #neahbay #nativepeoples #makahtribe #edwardcurtis
Wichita State player Isaiah Poor Bear-Chandler calls out CBS broadcasters who made jokes about his name #nativepeoples #Oglala #indigenous #basketball
#nativepeoples #oglala #indigenous #basketball
Happy #Thanksgiving! If you'd like to learn more about 17th Century New England history, the truth of the first Thanksgiving, and the rarely taught devastating Metacom's War, I recommend the highly readable "Mayflower" by Nathaniel Philbrick. It's well researched and reads as a narrative, rather than densely academic. #KnowYourHistory!
#NewEngland #Metacomet #KingPhilipsWar #NewEnglandHistory #Massachusetts #BookRecommendation #NativeAmericanHistory #NativePeoples
#thanksgiving #knowyourhistory #newengland #metacomet #kingphilipswar #newenglandhistory #massachusetts #bookrecommendation #nativeamericanhistory #nativepeoples
@commandlinekid More up to date anthropology in the #Americas shows that the #NativePeoples there before the arrival of Europeans had made extensive changes to the natural state of the lands, including large scale planting of nut and fruit tree forests diversion of waterways, and monolithic earthworks some of which still exist today but many were destroyed by European descended farmers in America.
(bing some talks by #CharlesCMann or read his book "#1491")
#americas #nativepeoples #CharlesCMann