Remember when the herpetologists on the birdsite had a spat about whether it was OK to call a snake a "snek" in loving affection? Alas.
Here's a gorgeous young adult California kingsnake who was crossing a gravel road as a glorious blue supermoon shone through the smoke last night.
#Herps #herpetology #Snake #NativeSpecies #biodiversity #wildlife #Atlas #Napa #conservation
#herps #herpetology #snake #nativespecies #biodiversity #wildlife #atlas #napa #conservation
Comprehensive & compelling case put forward by Eoghan Daltun (Insta: @IrishRainforest) on where Ireland's forestry policies have gone wrong, & worse still, will be expanded on with EU approval. #Biodiversity #CarbonCapture #NativeSpecies #IrishWildlife #TemperateRainforests 🌳🌱🪲🐜🦌
#biodiversity #carboncapture #nativespecies #IrishWildlife #TemperateRainforests
- Change the designation of the TR horses from “livestock” to “wildlife.” The NPS has never explained why they’re designated as livestock and doesn’t acknowledge paleontological evidence and mitochondrial DNA analysis supporting the fact that wild horses are a reintroduced #NativeSpecies to this continent.
-Set a minimum herd size of 150 #horses to ensure a genetically viable herd, as recommended by Dr. Gus Cothran, an equine geneticist, for all wild horse herds in the #US .
Larry Weaner: “When you pull #weeds out by the roots, you open up soil, creating a disturbance that will get a flush of seed germination ... That act of pulling one weed may generate 12 new seedlings of weeds. But if you cut the plant to the ground, under the assumption that it’s in competition with desirable #NativeSpecies and not just in a mulch bed with no competition, then the likelihood of the weed reemerging is very low.”
A pretty flower on todays forage for blackberries.
#forage #foraging #nature #nativespecies #flowers
In honour of Pollinator Week, enjoy my ridiculously titled #linocut ‘My milkweed brings all the bugs to my yard!’ This week we’re raising awareness of pollinators and how to protect them. Plant native species! Milkweed is pretty, smells heavenly and is beloved by many native insects, including famously, the #monarchButterfly.
#printmaking #sciart #milkweed #pollination #pollinators #PollinatorWeek #bug #insect #entomology #nativeSpecies #MastoArt
#linocut #monarchbutterfly #printmaking #sciart #milkweed #pollination #pollinators #pollinatorweek #bug #insect #entomology #nativespecies #mastoart
Photo 1 - my first attempt at #DirectSeeding using some of the seeds I collected from the bush (#FieldWork with #IndigenousRangers) over the past 3 months. Mixture of about 10 #NativeSpecies. Photo 2 - saplings I planted a month ago, growing strong #revegetation #LandForWildlife #restoration
#directseeding #fieldwork #indigenousrangers #nativespecies #revegetation #landforwildlife #restoration
More springtime loveliness from Mother Nature… #wildflowers #nature #NativeSpecies #NativePlants #botany #flora
#wildflowers #nature #nativespecies #nativeplants #botany #flora
gifted @washingtonpost article about the importance of #nativePlants in the #homeGarden - or at least, the importance of getting rid of #invasives and leaving the #nonNative #nonInvasives as "decorations". And yes, minimizing "#lawn" to encourage #nativeSpecies to flourish.
#nativeplants #homegarden #invasives #nonnative #noninvasives #lawn #nativespecies
#FollowFriday time! This week, I'm focusing on #ClimateJustice accounts! If you care about #MotherEarth, follow these accounts for timely news about actions, causes and current events!
"Western Watersheds Project is a non-profit environmental conservation group that works to influence and improve #PublicLands management throughout the western United States in order to protect #NativeSpecies and conserve and restore the habitats they depend on. Our primary focus is on the negative impacts of #LivestockGrazing, including harm to ecological, biological, cultural, historic, archeological, scenic resources, and wilderness values."
"Natural born Hippie, Ökofeministin, Spiritual Punk
"Lentil-crisp-based human, climate collapse Cassandra. London, England. Books, wilderness, gardening, rage against the 6th mass extinction."
"A regular #Nature lover who curates a daily feed of news about the #Environment & #ClimateChange.
"Doing my best to stay informed and raise awareness about environmental crises, climate breakdown, and the rapacious, murderous impact of greedy capitalists and the politicians they own."
"#MMIW #pigoneer #BanKillShelters #BanOctopusFarming #RelistWolves #EndAnimalAg #StopShell #HumanRights #FindNaaruAlive #plantbasedfuture #ActOnSahel #SaveOurSeas #SeeAnimalsAsIndividuals #ProtectOurWildlife #ReleaseIdrisKhattak #HaltTheHelicopters #SaveMollem #BanTrophyHunting #KeepItInTheGround #rewilding #SaveCongoRainforest"
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
#followfriday #ClimateJustice #motherearth #publiclands #nativespecies #livestockgrazing #respectexistenceorexpectresistance #nature #environment #ClimateChange #mmiw #pigoneer #bankillshelters #banoctopusfarming #RelistWolves #endanimalag #stopshell #humanrights #findnaarualive #PlantBasedFuture #ActOnSahel #SaveOurSeas #seeanimalsasindividuals #protectourwildlife #releaseidriskhattak #haltthehelicopters #savemollem #bantrophyhunting #keepitintheground #rewilding #SaveCongoRainForest #ClimateCrisis
Non-native plants outnumber British flora, major report finds
Worrying and disappointing. This needs to be reversed.
Will we see native species dying out as a result? What effect will this have on insects and eventually the food chain?
#flora #fauna #foreignspecies #nativespecies
Non-native plants outnumber British flora, major report finds.
#Eccology #NativeSpecies #NonNativeSpecies #WildFlora #Rewilding #ChangingEnvironments
#eccology #nativespecies #NonnativeSpecies #wildflora #rewilding #changingenvironments
Weak evidence of spatial segregation between the vulnerable southern water vole (Arvicola sapidus) and the two main invasive mammals of European freshwater ecosystems #IMBEpapers #OndatraZibethicus #MyocastorCoypus #InvasiveSpecies #NativeSpecies #HabitatSegregation #NestedSpatialScales
#imbepapers #ondatrazibethicus #myocastorcoypus #invasivespecies #nativespecies #habitatsegregation #nestedspatialscales
‘Our fate rests on efforts like this’:
the family restoring precious rainforest to its former glory -
“A rainforest’s #silences are a polyphony of subtle, ceaseless, scintillating noises. A humid wet chaos of activity.
The #scented wind is alive, complex, mouldy and sweet, earthy, varietal: an evolutionary vintage. Distillations of #ancient plants embody the living history of living plants.
Three hundred million years ago – and beyond – a bridge formed between reality and magic, potent with memories that go deep in time, like dreams hardwired into grey matter.”
Extract from ‘Cloud Land – The dramatic story of Australia’s extraordinary rainforest people and country’, by Penny van Oosterzee, published by Allen & Unwin
#Rainforest #Trees #Regeneration #LivingHistory #WetTropics #TreePlanting #NativeSpecies #Plants #GrassManagement #Cyclone #Restoration #Australia
#silences #scented #ancient #rainforest #trees #regeneration #livinghistory #wettropics #treeplanting #nativespecies #plants #grassmanagement #cyclone #restoration #australia
The Oregon Zoo’s resident #beaver has predicted six more weeks of winter!
#groundhogday #nativespecies #beavers
#beaver #groundhogday #nativespecies #beavers
Beavers are back: Photos prove Los Altos resident’s theory that rodents reside in county
“The photos confirmed what Los Altos resident Dr. Rick Lanman has believed for years – that beavers are native to Santa Clara County. While he said many #naturalists assumed the aquatic rodents never lived here, Lanman built a case that they did. After years of research, he presented a scientific study in the fall showing that #beavers existed in the county as far back as the 1800s.”
#nativespecies #ecosystems #nature
#naturalists #beavers #nativespecies #ecosystems #Nature
Good afternoon, Dec 22 #ArtAdventCalendar folks. Today is a good day to stay inside where it's warm and admire local native perennials. Prairie Aster! Purple is my favourite colour.
#Saskatchewan #farm #flower #NativeSpecies #photography #MastoArt #MastoPhoto
#mastophoto #MastoArt #Photography #nativespecies #flower #farm #saskatchewan #ArtAdventCalendar
We're intermittent bird feeders at my house. Always & only black oil sunflower seeds. We've an open air feed atop an 6 ft pole with a baffle that (amazingly) keeps the squirrels at bay. We stock the feeder w/ about 2 cups of seed ever 2--3 days (daily if there's a bitter cold snap).
As w/ dogs, an intermittent "reward" system garners more interest & engagement.
#Birds #Birding #BirdWatching #BackYardBirder #BirdFeeding #Nature #NativeSpecies #NewEngland #Wildlife
#birds #birding #birdwatching #backyardbirder #birdfeeding #nature #nativespecies #newengland #wildlife
Three full-time permanent ecological restoration field staff jobs open w/ Chicago Park District - apply by Jan 3rd 🐛
This is a ~$21/hr union job removing invasive species, planting native trees, shrubs, and other plants, trail maintenance, and other park maintenance within the Natural Areas program. Must live in the city. 🦆
#EcologicalRestoration #HabitatRestoration #Ecology #InvasiveSpecies #NativeSpecies #NativePlants #Chicago #Parks #NaturalAreas #Nature #Trails
#ecologicalrestoration #HabitatRestoration #ecology #invasivespecies #nativespecies #nativeplants #chicago #parks #naturalareas #nature #trails