Fascinating resource, no doubt well-known to many but me! #nativestudies #indigenousland
#indigenousland #nativestudies
@BonnieHonig I love the image of "I fell into it" when something in the book tips and it becomes everything around you. (I also love this book!) Nice to find you through your intro hashtags, especially #NativeStudies and #soundstudies. I just finished reading Marcus Boon's amazing "Politics of Vibration", which references Dylan Robinson's book "Hungry Listening" -- have you seen it? Might be next on my list...
Shout out to the amazing post bacs (who made this graphic!), postdocs, and faculty of #TeamRethinkingPlace at Bard for making this graphic and writing an amazing reflection essay to #rethink #Thanksgiving with #historians context and real time ways to #giveback and recognize #NativeStudies #NativeNations and #IndigenousSovereignty
Learn more at: rethinkingplace.bard.edu
#indigenoussovereignty #nativenations #nativestudies #giveback #historians #ThanksGiving #Rethink #teamrethinkingplace