Please help us by signing, sharing, and supporting the protective efforts on behalf of an #AlaskanNative child at-risk. 💖🙏💖
#BringChanelHome #AdoptionTrafficking #LegalKidnapping #AdoptionIsTrauma #FamilyPreservation #FamilyReunification #ICWA #SiblingSeparations #KinshipCare #TribalSovereignty #at-risk #CINA #ALASKA #Native #NativeYouth
#alaskannative #bringchanelhome #adoptiontrafficking #legalkidnapping #adoptionistrauma #familypreservation #FamilyReunification #ICWA #siblingseparations #kinshipcare #tribalsovereignty #AT #cina #alaska #native #nativeyouth
#ChangeToChill is a #free #AwardWinning #MentalWellbeing #resource offered by #AllinaHealth . #InteractiveWebsite is tailored to both #teens & #adults who work with them. Change to Chill #HelpsTeens become more aware of things that #stress them out & equips them with relevant tools & resources to better #ManageStress & #anxiety so they can live healthier lives.
#EmpoweringYouths #NativeYouth #IndigenousYouth #MentalHealth #StressManagement #FreeProgram #Accessible
#changetochill #free #awardwinning #mentalwellbeing #resource #allinahealth #interactivewebsite #teens #adults #helpsteens #stress #managestress #anxiety #empoweringyouths #nativeyouth #indigenousyouth #mentalhealth #stressmanagement #freeprogram #accessible