There is some really interesting content on #FabioParasecoli 's blog, for example this excerpt from his #book "Gastronativism: Food, Identity, Politics" Added it to my #ReadingList !
#Gastronativism: #Food as an ideological tool in a globalized world
#culinary #nativism #nationalism #capitalism
#fabioparasecoli #book #readinglist #gastronativism #food #culinary #nativism #nationalism #capitalism
@flexghost Okay, I’ll take my diverse armed forces that uses the strengths that many different people can provide. You can have your standard issue single uniform through and through good old boys. I would like to see how a test of forces concludes. #GOP #Fascism #Nativism #Hate #Military
#military #hate #nativism #Fascism #gop
The Republican Party has no choice but to cheat. They can no longer win elections. The count of decent voters in the U.S. outnumbers the the lowlifes. Were it not for the bullshit Electoral College, the party would’ve met its demise decades ago. It’s official: the GOP is a party of moral decay and human rot.
#GOP #MAGA #racism #bigotry #misogyny #LGBTQIAphobia #nativism #xenophobia #WhiteNationalism
#whitenationalism #xenophobia #nativism #lgbtqiaphobia #misogyny #bigotry #Racism #MAGA #gop
In James Whale's 1931 film version of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, torch-carrying villager’s pursued the monster. In the GOP’s MAGA-marred America, the torch-bearers rallied around the beast, protected it, championed it, and joined in its reign of terror.
#DonaldTrump #Trump #Trumpenstein #GOP #MAGA #MAGANazis #NAZIS #KKK #WhiteNationalism #AntiSemitism #FuckTrump #FuckMAGA #FuckTgeGOP #racism #bigotry #misogyny #nativism #xenophobia
#xenophobia #nativism #misogyny #bigotry #Racism #fucktgegop #fuckmaga #fucktrump #antisemitism #whitenationalism #kkk #nazis #maganazis #MAGA #gop #trumpenstein #Trump #DonaldTrump
Pierre Poilievre is popular among union members. What’s it really all about?
#Canada #PierrePoilievre #CPC #ConservativePartyOfCanada #Politics #Business #Economy #Unions #Xenophobia #Populism #LabourMovement #Nativism
#canada #PierrePoilievre #cpc #conservativepartyofcanada #politics #business #economy #unions #xenophobia #populism #LabourMovement #nativism
Today in Labor History March 7, 1868: The Knights of St. Crispin and the Daughters of St. Crispin organized to win regulation of machinery used in the shoe industry because it threatened handcrafted shoe makers. Shoemakers created the labor organizations in 1867, in Wisconsin. The Knights soon had over 50,000 members, but faded quickly in the 1870s due to poor organization. The union was also anti-Chinese, like the Knights of Labor.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #KnightsOfLabor #union #AntiAsianHate #racism #nativism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #knightsoflabor #union #AntiAsianHate #racism #nativism
"On one side you have global interests imputing their values, importing cheaper labor, hollowing out Montana’s attractions and selling them to an international bourgeoisie for maximum profits. On the other you have the new underclass."
This is happening everywhere, there are echoes of this in what some Portuguese cities are going through. A lot of anger in the air.
#realEstate #ownership #land #privateEquity #nativism
#realestate #ownership #land #privateequity #nativism
📚Book launch❗️'The Return of the Native' by Jan Willem Duyvendak and Josip Kesic with Timothy Stacey
Discussion will look at the promises/pitfalls of liberalism, & navigate between nostalgic #nativism and hopeful #liberalism.
read & register:
"to mass resistance against Brown and subsequent Supreme Court rulings; and now militia groups like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys attempting violent takeovers of both state and federal capitol buildings, threatening election workers and elected officials, and terrorizing communities of color."
#MAGA #Republicans #nativism #WhiteChristianNationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #WhiteSupremacy
#maga #republicans #nativism #whitechristiannationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #whitesupremacy
"Inevitably, the Faction violently resists every attempt to enforce democratic values for all – from Slave Patrols invading northern states to kidnap runaway 'property'; to rebelling against the United States; to the KKK’s terrorist campaign to first end Reconstruction and then crush resistance to Jim Crow regimes while destroying the wealth gained by African Americans after WW I;"
#MAGA #Republicans #nativism #WhiteChristianNationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #WhiteSupremacy
#maga #republicans #nativism #whitechristiannationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #whitesupremacy
"This Faction has never recognized the legitimacy of any democratic outcome that conflicted with its White Christian Nationalist values. Those commitments to theocracy, patriarchy, and white supremacy remain non-negotiable."
MAGA #Republicans #nativism #WhiteChristianNationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #WhiteSupremacy
#republicans #nativism #whitechristiannationalism #theocracy #patriarchy #whitesupremacy
Michael Podhorzer explains why we cannot just laugh at the MAGA clown car:
"We cannot afford to treat the MAGA-run Republican Party as a legitimate democratic party, let alone a normal one. MAGA is the modern incarnation of a reactionary, nativist faction1 that has been with us since the nation’s founding, when the Slave States held out for constitutional protection of their 'property' rights and 'self-determination.'”
Free prints for our co-authored article with Anna Korteweg @ERSjournal here:
The juxtaposition of two case studies–Toronto and Neuchâtel-reveals two different processes of in/visibilization of power relations which are the result of everyday uses of culture.
@migration @sociology @migrationreseach #migranticization #racialization #culture #nativism #reflexivities
#reflexivities #nativism #Culture #racialization #migranticization
Free prints for our co-authored article with Anna Korteweg @ERSjournal here:
The juxtaposition of two case studies–Toronto and Neuchâtel-reveals two different processes of in/visibilization of power relations which are the result of everyday uses of culture.
@migration @sociology @migrationreseach #migranticization #racialization #culture #nativism #reflexivities
#reflexivities #nativism #Culture #racialization #migranticization
Re: "the racists are here".
They have been all along. Most of the harassment has seemed to be coming from sites in the #fediverse which are not party to the #MastodonCovenant but I believe you that there may be some now infiltrating Mastodon instances.
BTW there is a #disinformation tactic in use of trying to portray #Ukraine and the #Ukrainian cause as some kind of #racism based on a bunch of lies such as the canard that Ukrainians are "blue-eyed blonde" racists when historically #Russian chauvinists and German Nazis tried to portray Ukrainians are "dark" and dubiously even "white". Not to mention that the #1 criminal promoter of racist movements and ethnic strife is #VladimirPutin who is behind a systematic effort to weaponize #immigration conflict and #nativism world wide.
#fediverse #MastodonCovenant #disinformation #ukraine #ukrainian #racism #russian #vladimirputin #immigration #nativism
@chrisgerhard @OurFlagUK @rossbright @LibDemCampaigner
There is no shortages of "reasons to end FPTP"
There is a shortage of motivation for any party that wins power under it to change the system
I think campaigning for #PR a waste of energy - what matters is #GTTO ending the madness of rule by a #farRight using #nativism to stir up ordinary folk to act in the interests of the #globalRich and against their own interests.
#PR #GTTO #FarRight #nativism #globalRich
"In many ways, it’s this obsessive focus on the intersection of food and local identity that defines Italy’s culinary culture, one that is at once prized the world over and insular in the extreme".
"Italy’s nativist politicians seek to exploit deep associations between food and identity to present a traditional vision of the country that’s at risk of slipping away".
#food #nativism #regionalism #tradition #agriculture #ecology #ClimateChange #cuisine
#food #nativism #regionalism #tradition #agriculture #ecology #climatechange #cuisine
I see lots of comments saying much the same
Q1: Was the Blair/Brown period a net plus or net minus when compared to the alternative, more #Major style #toryGovt?
Q2: Will #starmer #labourGovt be better or worse than more #sunak #kipperTory rule?
Q3: From this point, at max 2 yrs before #nextGE, what exactly can be done to alter course?
I understand reasoned criticism of #starmer & co for being too bland or deferring to #nativism - but they are #neverTory
#major #ToryGovt #Starmer #labourgovt #Sunak #kipperTory #nextGE #nativism #nevertory