· @jackLondon
67 followers · 366 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

The inchoate hatred of the for any constraint on the actions of the (which I guess they always assumed would be ) has left us adrift from the largest group of liberal democracies there is ever likely to exist in all of history and is a direct consequence of

#nativistNutters #UKGovernment #tory #cosyingUpToDictators #brexitInsanity

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jackLondon
67 followers · 366 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@bifobear @BintyMcFrazzles @SueASmith @DrHelenForte @jane_inprogress @Spatz @buxros @BremainInSpain @smileyrach3

always daft - UK larger than either & coming from a different past - banging UK into a hole shaped by a different country was never on the cards

But also daft to think with one bound can be reversed by winning one . The took several bites over 3 decades to inflict - it will take as long to recover. Sorry!

#swissstyle #norwayModel #2016Disaster #UKElection #nativistNutters #brexit

Last updated 2 years ago