Red saw an empty structure and did what he does.
Good thing the family, kings and animals have moved on to their respective destinations.
It’s been my pleasure sharing these #NativityAList scenes here.
On this Epiphany, Batman is visiting but he’s staying out of sight. Like the dark guardian angel that he is.
Perhaps he’ll show himself later and dispense some words of wisdom to prepare the baby for life, but since he only works in black and very, very, very dark grey, I think we’re all hoping the angel will have a little chat with him about that beforehand.
It’s very nice of The Cat in the Hat to come and visit the baby. It’s also a little worrying. I mean:
“You know what he did the last time he was here.”
But he assures us:
““Play tricks?” laughed the cat.
“Oh, my my! No no no!””
Can we believe him?
Today’s nativity guest. Can you hear the whistling in the background?
I’ll tell you this: the sheep is very excited! He’s even convinced the angel to trade places with him for the moment, so he can be closer to his idol.
It’s not Epiphany yet, so Mary and Joseph are still receiving visitors.
Scrat hopes they’ll excuse him for being so late. He was busily chasing after an acorn (an ice shelf or two may have suffered some ever-so-slight breaking of completely in the process), which he is now offering to the baby. Even though he loves acorns so much. So very, very much. It’s his acorn, but he’s giving it to the baby. Sniff.
Today’s guest: submitted without comment.
#mastodon #HouseofK #nativityalist
This guest may be the most important guest to visit the nativity.
This is Earth. She is our home, our nourishment, our life.
Earth understands that a lot of people are going to be listening to what the baby will have to say, and so Earth is asking if the baby would ask everyone to take her into consideration as they live their best life, because she really wants all living things to thrive, but it’s hard to do when she is being used up. Thank you.
A very special visitor today: from darkest Peru by way of London, England, it’s Paddington Bear (whose full name is rrraawwwwwrr-roaoaoarrrr, but that is *very* hard to pronounce).
The baby enjoys cuddling up with him, and both Mary and Joseph are quite taken with his excellent manners and impeccable attire. They especially like the hat.
Can it be? It’s Rueben! He’s come to say hello.
Clearly, the baby likes him very much, and even Mary’s giving him a cuddle.
(At this time, I’d just like to point out that this baby didn’t eat pork *ever* in his life.)
Today’s nativity scene. Well, isn’t this exciting!
Look who’s here! Makka Pakka’s here. Hello, Makka Pakka!
Did you bring your best stone for the baby?
The baby likes it very much.
“Mikka Makka Moo!”
Thank you, Makka Pakka! Goodbye!
“Pip pip onk onk.”
Today’s nativity guest might not be familiar to everyone, but he is pretty famous in Europe, and he thought he’d pay a visit. The baby seems to be enjoying patting this enormous blue elephant, and perhaps unsurprisingly the wise men are each examining a different part of our blue friend and coming to their own, insular conclusions.
Miffy came to visit. She dressed up for the occasion. You look lovely, Miffy!
Good morning everyone, and a very merry Christmas!
Totoro and the Catbus dropped by to say hi, and the baby got to see inside. It is nice and warm and safe inside the Catbus, and Totoro is *the best* hugger!
Look who dropped by the nativity today! Rémy seems involved in some conversation with the wise men, possibly about surprising flavor combinations?
Today’s celebrity nativity guest needs no introduction.
“Can we have an ussie??”
“Pika, pika!”
Today’s celebrity nativity guest needs no introduction.
“Can we have an ussie??”
“Pika, pika!”
Today our nativity scene sees two slightly unusual visitors, and at least one of them seems to be making the wise men and/or kings more than a little nervous…. No need: Hulk is just saying hi from a safe distance, and Spidey is keeping an eye on things.
Not gonna lie: today’s celebrity guest to the nativity has the angel in a tizzy - in a good way. The angel is such a fan!! 😍😍
Another guest at the nativity today.
This is Norbert.
Norbert heard about a baby in a manger.
Norbert likes babies, so he went to visit.
Norbert is a little worried about what the straw is doing to the baby’s skin.
Norbert knows he is neither a wise man nor a king, but Norbert brought something for the baby anyway.
It’s cream, so the baby doesn’t feel itchy.
Norbert is a kind and thoughtful gnome.
Be like Norbert.
Another celebrity visitor at the nativity.
No, thank you, he just came to see the baby. He ate before he left.