Good morning. Ellen loves you. #mastodogs #NattyAndEllen #DogsOfMastdodon #dogs #boopablesnoot
#boopablesnoot #Dogs #dogsofmastdodon #nattyandellen #mastodogs
Good morning. Ellen loves you. #mastodogs #NattyAndEllen #DogsOfMastdodon #dogs #boopablesnoot
#boopablesnoot #Dogs #dogsofmastdodon #nattyandellen #mastodogs
How about some good doggos this morning?
#DogToots #DogsInSweaters #NattyAndEllen #Dogstodon #dogs #pets
#pets #Dogs #dogstodon #nattyandellen #dogsinsweaters #dogtoots
Hello friends (new and old!) If you don't know her from Twitter, this is my Very Good Girl, Ellen. She's fond of eating frogs, wearing a hotdog costume, laying just out of reach and being sad about it, and she loves you. 💖 On Twitter I used a hashtag to make it easier for folks who just wanted to see pics of her. I suppose I'll need one here too. Since I have 2 dogs, maybe I'll use #NattyAndEllen for both? #DogToots #dogstadon #petsandanimals
#petsandanimals #dogstadon #dogtoots #nattyandellen