Now they just die.
~ Flyer Friday ~
two raging gigs going down this weekend
Saturday at your favourite secret venue in Leeds & Sunday at the 1in12Club in Bradford
Plus! a heads-up about the #Firefriend tour, put those dates in your diary, don't miss your new favourite band from Brazil
#FlyerFriday #GigFlyers #EphemeralArt #Punk #LeedsGigs #DamagedGoods #SecretVenue #BradforddGigs #1in12Club #TheShits #IronDrugs #NaturalCauses #TheReflectingSkin #Paranoid #RevivalofDeath #Votiv #TCCL
#firefriend #flyerfriday #gigflyers #ephemeralart #punk #leedsgigs #damagedgoods #secretvenue #bradforddgigs #1in12club #theshits #irondrugs #naturalcauses #thereflectingskin #paranoid #revivalofdeath #votiv #tccl
Ignoring some terrible amateur political punditry on FB, so I'm indulging some #reading obsessions via #usedbooks.
#AmericanOriginsofChurchesofChrist by #RichardHughes, #TheLostArtofScripture by #KarenArmstrong, #WelcometotheGoddamnIceCube by #BlairBraverman, #SomethingFierce by #CarmenAguirre, #FeetofClay by #AnthonyStorr, #NaturalCauses by #DanHurley
#religioustrauma #bookstodon #books
#bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #chlie #allende #revolution #cults #excoc
#excoc #cults #revolution #allende #chlie #blackbeltwomen #bjjwomen #books #bookstodon #ReligiousTrauma #danhurley #naturalcauses #anthonystorr #feetofclay #carmenaguirre #somethingfierce #blairbraverman #welcometothegoddamnicecube #KarenArmstrong #thelostartofscripture #richardhughes #americanoriginsofchurchesofchrist #usedbooks #reading
Granny was 98, total shock!
We were expecting it sooner.
Wasn't old age, I think it was a bar fight. 😂
So, how old? 90? 80?
60? 40? 😎