Yes, "monthly temperature anomalies measure from 1880 to July 2023 measured with respect to the baseline period 1951-1980" have increased.
What that means is a matter of interpretation as to causes and consequences of observed trends and their proximate and ultimate causative factors.
Climate is a nonlinear complex adaptive system that is not amenable to simplistic interpretations and explanations.
#climate #climatevariability #naturalclimatechange
I'm casting about in this pool of wisdom for conversations about #Taoism #anarchism #ecology #deepecology, #bioregionalism #anarchism #zen #environmentalism #climatevariability #naturalclimatechange #nature #habitat and connections among these topics.
#taoism #anarchism #ecology #deepecology #bioregionalism #zen #environmentalism #climatevariability #naturalclimatechange #Nature #habitat