If it's only the PDO, how come...
"...strong subtropical ocean warmings are found not only in the Pacific Ocean but also across the Atlantic and Indian Oceans."
Leading to quite a bit of "hmm" and ultimately
"This raises doubts concerning the dominance of PDO in the observed warming trend."
#NaturalClimateVariability ?
Maybe not.
#pdo #naturalclimatevariability
Clarifying Climate Change
"The IPCC has been engaged in an increasingly alarmist program of policy prognostication of the risks of human caused climate variability, culminating in its most recent Sixth Assessment Report, which slathers on the fear mongering with an especially large trowel."
#ClimateChange #NaturalClimateVariability #CO2 #Temperature #NaturalClimateCycles
#ClimateChange #naturalclimatevariability #co2 #temperature #naturalclimatecycles
#Taoism #Environmentalism
Introducing my various interests.
#DeepEcology #Ecology #Archaeology #ChaosTheory #ComplexityTheory #NaturalClimateVariability #Degrowth #Sustainability #NaturalLimits #Bioregionalism #Conservation
#taoism #environmentalism #deepecology #ecology #archaeology #chaostheory #complexitytheory #naturalclimatevariability #degrowth #sustainability #naturallimits #bioregionalism #conservation