@SeanCasten #naturalexperiment result : effect of abortion bans on abortions …
#NaturalExperiment result : Effects of political party affiliation on vaccination rate and subsequent excess deaths...
#NaturalExperiment results : Effects of 6 week abortion ban on infant mortality rate (and maternal trauma):
@economist_bot #naturalexperiment double header : effects of abortion ban on mother and infant deaths and of permitless carry on gun deaths…
@flexghost #naturalexperiment : longitudinal effects of discouraging reading on higher educational attainment edition…
#naturalexperiment prediction confirmation : States' abortion bans drive students away ...
Posting some research on #Refugee #Healthcare from recent years. (I’m more interested in #labormigration + #health, but it was 2015 and I needed the money.)
Healthcare for refugees in Germany is one big #NaturalExperiment: differences between locations, over time, etc.
We used this to check what happens when barriers to healthcare are removed...
#naturalexperiment #health #labormigration #healthcare #refugee
@dmacphee Yes, that was my conclusion as well. Vaccines keep people alive, but masks keep COVID from spreading. In E. Texas, Tyler and Longview Independent School Districts are similar demographically. TISD was anti-mask while LISD added a strong mask protocol after first week of school. Case rate differences were stark. LISD saved 120 cases of COVID. #MasksWork #naturalexperiment
"In the case of social networking services, changing platforms is likely to involve family and friends moving on mass. The coordination issues in doing so are likely to be substantial" - I only need the people I follow to move to Mastodon #naturalexperiment