#FossilFriday #NaturalHistoryMuseum #Paleontology
I'll be preparing four rattlesnakes tomorrow, so I'll dump my fossil Thursday evening.
This is a cast of a Naticidae, a predatory sea snail from the middle Eocene, San Diego County.
(The Eocene was 56 to 34 million years ago.)
#fossilfriday #naturalhistorymuseum #paleontology
This is my Friday night in #Sydney atm. Anticipate a long 72 hours. (Tbf, I did bring it for them)
#auntylove #London #museums #naturalhistorymuseum #dinosaurs
#sydney #auntylove #london #museums #naturalhistorymuseum #dinosaurs
💡👀👀👀 https://thekidshouldseethis.com/post/scallop-eyes-an-innovative-new-fishing-method
“Recent studies have shown that some species of #scallop are drawn to #light, and this has resulted in an innovative new method of #fishing that is more sustainable: Instead of using a net to drag along the sea floor, fishermen can now use lobster pots equipped with little #LED lights, a bit like an #underwater disco.”
#video #animals #mollusc #mollusk #scallops #science #biology #sustainability #eyes #naturalhistorymuseum
#scallop #light #fishing #led #underwater #video #animals #mollusc #mollusk #scallops #Science #biology #sustainability #eyes #naturalhistorymuseum
🔁Simon deBrux :
Mary Anning the original fossil hunter re-imagined by AI … my story in the Telegraph today
#fossil #ammonite #maryanning #palaeontology #jurassic #lymeregis #naturalhistorymuseum #AI #midjourney #dorset
#fossil #ammonite #maryanning #palaeontology #jurassic #lymeregis #naturalhistorymuseum #ai #midjourney #dorset
Natural history museums around the globe contain over 1.1 billion objects https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/news/2023/march/natural-history-museums-contain-over-1-1-billion-objects.html 🦋 #NaturalHistoryMuseum #NaturalHistory #Wildlife
{📷©Natural History Museum}
#WildLife #naturalhistory #naturalhistorymuseum
🦕 https://thekidshouldseethis.com/post/the-biggest-dinosaur-nhm-video
“#Sauropods are #dinosaurs that walked on four legs, had long necks and tails and ate plants... and the colossal crown goes to a group of sauropods called #titanosaurs. Introducing Puertasaurus, Patagotitan, and, perhaps the heaviest of them all, Argentinosaurus, weighing in at up to 70 tonnes, as much as 14 elephants.
“What allowed these titanosaurs to grow so big?”
#video #animation #naturalhistory #paleontology #nhm #naturalhistorymuseum #dinosaur
#sauropods #dinosaurs #titanosaurs #video #animation #naturalhistory #paleontology #nhm #naturalhistorymuseum #dinosaur
For #TaxonomyTuesday I give you Tabanus autumnalis - the large marsh horsefly. As it’s name suggests it likes hanging around marshes! On the left is the female, & with his holoptic eyes the male is on the right. Males are really only interested in finding ladies & so to aid this are all eyes - a male on a mission with superior vision 😏
Nearly finished recurating the British Collection at the #naturalhistorymuseum - all data will be available online via the data portal
#taxonomytuesday #naturalhistorymuseum #flies #tabanidae
@TerribleMaps, I remember visiting the #naturalHistoryMuseum in London some years ago, they had a graph of #seaLevel versus time going back several ice ages. That graph indicated that the sea level has several times been around 70m higher than it is now during warm periods, but as high as 150m.
#naturalhistorymuseum #sealevel
"The #NaturalHistoryMuseum’s legendary cetacean collection – a hoard of bones of 6,000 #whales, #dolphins and #porpoises, so valuable that the museum keeps the location under wraps – could hold the key to the long-term future of these species"
A rare glimpse inside Britain’s secret vault of whale skeletons | #Cetaceans | The Guardian
#cetaceans #porpoises #dolphins #whales #naturalhistorymuseum
A rare glimpse inside Britain’s secret vault of #whale skeletons https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jan/21/natural-history-museum-vault-whale-skeletons-cetacean-collection 🐋 #MarineScience #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #Whales #NHM #NaturalHistoryMuseum
#naturalhistorymuseum #NHM #whales #marinemammals #cetaceans #marinescience #whale
It’s a #WednesdayWonder sort of day
In the library of the #NaturalHistoryMuseum is The Natural History (Latin: Naturalis Historia) by Pliny the Elder - "My subject is the world of nature ... or in other words, life,"
This volume is from the second edition, printed in 1472 (approx 1,400 years after it was compiled). Bound in pig skin it’s incredibly fragile BUT what a book!
#rarebooks #books #collections #naturalhistory #pliny #history
#wednesdaywonder #naturalhistorymuseum #rarebooks #books #collections #naturalhistory #pliny #history
Classic propaganda ploy by the #FossilFuel industry. "Natural History Museum under fire for gagging clause with Danish oil sponsor"
https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/jan/08/natural-history-museum-gagging-order-danish-oil-sponsor #UK #NaturalHistoryMuseum #GagOrder #Propaganda #ClimateCrisis #photography
#fossilfuel #uk #naturalhistorymuseum #gagorder #propaganda #climatecrisis #photography
The #NaturalHistoryMuseum has been denounced for signing a gagging order which prevented it from criticising a Danish #oil company that sponsored its wildlife photography competition. #juststopoil .
#juststopoil #oil #naturalhistorymuseum
#algae - #NaturalHistoryMuseum - true #scienceart that's evocative & stimulating! Thanks to Prof.Juliet Brodie #Outreach
#algae #naturalhistorymuseum #scienceart #outreach
Eighty-five new types of wasp among more than 351 species identified in 2022 | The Independent
Also discovered was a frog that grows to just eight millimetres in length
#wasps #newspecies #frog #naturalhistorymuseum #moths #beetles #moss #bryozoans #trematodeworms #protists #bumblebees #flies #polychaeteworms #centipede #parasiticwasps #thrips #biologicalcontrol #stickinsects #gecko
351 new species named by Natural History Museum – and a quarter are wasps | New varieties of the insect include species that could be useful for controlling crop pests
https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/dec/30/natural-history-museum-names-85-wasps-among-351-new-species #museums #naturalHistoryMuseum #wasps
#wasps #naturalhistorymuseum #museums
#dinosaurs #Bigbugger #NaturalHistoryMuseum https://flip.it/mIn1Sm This 122-Foot-Long Dinosaur Will Barely Fit in London's Natural History Museum
#dinosaurs #bigbugger #naturalhistorymuseum
The 25 People’s Choice Finalists of Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022
The Natural History Museum has selected the top 25 photos that will be voted on by the public to win the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award 2022.
#photography #wildlife #animals #environment #nature #NHM #NaturalHistoryMuseum #WildlifePOTY #competition #PhotographyCompetition
#photographycompetition #competition #wildlifepoty #naturalhistorymuseum #NHM #Nature #Environment #Animals #WildLife #Photography