[#veille #démarchesadministratives]
#Naturalisation et recherche de preuves : à qui vous adresser ?
#nationalité #France #Algérie #administration #servicepublic
#servicepublic #administration #algerie #france #nationalite #naturalisation #demarchesadministratives #veille
Next week 15:00 I'm going to have my appointment with a solicitor to witness my 'Statutory Declaration' and to certify copies.
Really looking forward go finish the #Naturalisation off as soon as possible.
I've the signatures of my references. Next step finding a solicior for the statutory declaration, verifying that the copies provided are mine and double checking the name stuff.
I'm happy to only need 3 references from friends and can go up to the solicitor.
As someone who had an apprenticeship in public administration I feel for the person who has to review these papers.
Picture shows the amount of papers
I've not a brise how to fill out the section 5 "Residency Permissions" on my #Naturalisation application.
I've received a different passport in the meantime and as EU citizen I haven't had any residency stamps.
The help document isn't helpful for that section...
They started to use 4 instead of 2 pages and to sent monthly invoices instead of every other month.
I need to buy 3 more colour cartridges just for the Airtricity bills. (If you ever have to apply for #Naturalisation use another company if you need to print stuff out)
Just in case I've now all the electricity bills for the last 7 years
Waiting for HR to gimme the P60s and Employee summary of the last couple of years.
Just need to print them off and likely getting the first 2 signatures of friends who offered themselves to be witnesses of my #Naturalisation
I'm so glad that collecting all relevant documents went that well.
Kudos to the Customer Sevice of Digiweb. I know that we live in the time of FOI requests but the teammate also asked for additional details to locate my account for my previous address.
That makes my #Naturalisation way easier.
Does someone know if I need all utility bills for the whole 5 years for the #Naturalisation or just one per year?
I've moved house in 2019 and the phone people and the electricity people seem not to be aware that I was with the same lads before.
Thank you
They actually want everything in printform...
Alone the application form seems to be 38 pages
Btw warning to my friends... it could be that I soon annoy you for references soon...
#chatgpt is not #AI , it’s a simulation of what it would look like if humans resolved the manufactured conflict between #naturalisation, #socialisation and #deconstruction
#chatgpt #ai #naturalisation #socialisation #deconstruction #brunolatour #unplugai
I'm celebrating 3 years of being Deutsch! Here's to having a second nationality, helping me speed my way through passport queues! (And helping me escape the evil clutches of Brexit!)
#nationality #German #einbürgerung #citizenship #naturalisation
#naturalisation #citizenship #einburgerung #german #nationality
Et voilà maintenant la #naturalisation: https:/www.lefigaro.fr/social/covid-19-25-000-travailleurs-etrangers-en-premiere-ligne-ont-ete-naturalises-annonce-schiappa-20230128
Une #initiative populaire issue de la société civile veut permettre la #naturalisation aux personnes vivant en Suisse depuis cinq ans https://www.rts.ch/info/suisse/13724927-une-initiative-veut-la-naturalisation-apres-cinq-ans-en-suisse.html
Aujourd'hui, j'ai eu le plaisir de participer à une cérémonie de #naturalisation, avec M. le Sous-Préfet de #Torcy. Beaucoup de sourires, qui m'ont fait chaud au cœur. Félicitations à toutes et tous !
#naturalisation #torcy #seineetmarne #nupes
Germany wants to ease naturalization rules, but Switzerland is unlikely to follow.
What does one have to do to get a Swiss passport? While the Berlin government wants to lower the hurdles for applicants, Switzerland is sticking to its rules. German-speaking cantons in particular have high expectations of new citizens.
#Switzerland #Citizenship #Passport #Naturalisation #Naturalization
#naturalization #naturalisation #passport #citizenship #switzerland
German govt finalising draft bill to facilitate #naturalisation
-residency requirement lowered to 5 (instead of 8) yrs /to 3 yrs for special integration effort (v good German/school/job qualifications or volunteer work)
-children born to foreign citizen parents citizens by default if 1 parent resident for 5 (instead of 8) yrs
-elderly people (67+) to need verbal communication skills (no longer written competency or knowledge test about Germany)
-easier access to dual citizenship ...
Je viens de télécharger les transparents de ma présentation orale « Euphorbia characias et autres plantes «exotiques» en #Alsace, #Palatinat et à #Genève » (5ème Entretiens de Flore (2022), Colmar, France, 12.11.2022) dans KITopen.
#Euphorbia #naturalisation #changementclimatique #flore #écologie
#alsace #Palatinat #genève #Euphorbia #naturalisation #ChangementClimatique #flore #écologie
In anticipation of my #Irish #naturalisation (thanks granny!) I think it's about time I learned to speak the #language
#gaelic #gaeilge #learning #language #naturalisation #irish
[#ChallengeAZ] L comme... Lily Grosser (1894-1968), philanthrope franco-allemande, militante en faveur de la coopération politique franco-allemande après la Seconde Guerre mondiale
#FemmesInspirantes #France #Allemagne #naturalisation
#naturalisation #allemagne #france #femmesinspirantes #challengeaz