#naturalize : to confer the rights and privileges of a native subject or citizen on
- French: naturaliser
- Italian: naturalizzare
- Portuguese: naturalizar
- Spanish: naturalizar
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#naturalize : to confer the rights and privileges of a native subject or citizen on
- French: naturaliser
- Italian: naturalizzare
- Portuguese: naturalizar
- Spanish: naturalizar
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ https://wordofthehour.org/discord
I have a stumpery next to my backyard pond which is part of a wide border I'm creating around my suburban property where I leave things as natural as I can.
This is where I'm dumping my wild rose branches, some leaves and my Hallowee'en pumpkin etc. This year I've also created a little brushpile in another corner.
#wildlifegarden #stumpery #brushpile #pumpkin
#naturalize #DitchTheLawn #LeaveLeavesAlone
#SoilLife #MicroBiome
#Chateauguay #
#wildlifegarden #stumpery #brushpile #pumpkin #naturalize #ditchthelawn #leaveleavesalone #soillife #microbiome #chateauguay #ET
👀Potential progress of the German gov on #citizenship reform, as promised in coalition agreement. 👍lower residency requirement and broader ius soli seems main goal; important but will essentially bring Germany up to speed on EU standards ✍️no language requirement for >67: is nice but immigrants this age hardly #naturalize anymore anyways ⚡️dual citizenship: huge! But likely highly politicized discussion ahead- strong opposition is likely https://t.co/hi9FpTuEWc
👀Potential progress of the German gov on #citizenship reform, as promised in coalition agreement.
👍lower residency requirement and broader ius soli seems main goal; important but will essentially bring Germany up to speed on EU standards
✍️no language requirement for >67: is nice but people this age hardly #naturalize anymore anyways
⚡️dual citizenship: huge! But likely highly politicized discussion ahead- strong opposition is likely