What are you doing today?
Today I'm catching up on #naturalLanguageProgramming. Looks like we'll be evaluating language models. Pretty classic, if introductory, #MachineLearning stuff here.
Yet another reminder of why they teach those fundamental stats in the first bit of your #computerScience BSc. It's because you're going to need that information if you want to actually understand what the model is doing, rather than just be able to move it around in the code.
#naturallanguageprogramming #MachineLearning #computerscience
#introduction (2/2)
I'm also a #UniversityOfLondon #tutor in #computerScienceEducation, working on #graphicsProgramming in #JavaScript & #ObjectOrientedProgramming in #cplusplus. My preferred language is #python which I'm using as a student in #artificialIntelligence, #machineLearning, and #naturalLanguageProgramming.
Current and past #cats will be available on #caturday.
As a life-long #GenX aged person I'm addicted to #PearlJam, #TheCure, #REM, and of course #LeonardCohen.
#introduction #UniversityofLondon #tutor #computerscienceeducation #graphicsprogramming #JavaScript #objectorientedprogramming #cplusplus #python #artificialintelligence #MachineLearning #naturallanguageprogramming #cats #Caturday #genx #pearljam #thecure #rem #leonardcohen #teamoxfordcomma
#introduction (2/2)
I'm also a #UniversityOfLondon #tutor in #computerScienceEducation, working on #graphicsProgramming in #JavaScript & #ObjectOrientedProgramming in #cplusplus. My preferred language is #python which I'm using as a student in #artificialIntelligence, #machineLearning, and #naturalLanguageProgramming.
My current and past #cats will be on #caturday.
As a life-long #GenX aged person I'm addicted to #PearlJam, #TheCure, #REM, and of course #LeonardCohen.
#introduction #universityoflondon #tutor #computerscienceeducation #graphicsprogramming #javascript #objectorientedprogramming #cplusplus #python #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #naturallanguageprogramming #cats #caturday #genx #pearljam #thecure #REM #leonardcohen #teamoxfordcomma