Belted Kingfisher and an American Robin out in the snow at Cornell Farm this afternoon.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #dartmouth #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #trusteesofreservations #cornellfarm
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #dartmouth #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #trusteesofreservations #cornellfarm
Some of the many basking Harbor Seals out at Ellisville Harbor State Park near low tide this afternoon. I'm always surprised by the amount of variation from seal to seal.
#seals #mammals #pinnipeds #plymouth #ellisvilleharbor #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
#seals #mammals #pinnipeds #plymouth #ellisvilleharbor #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
Mallards patrolling Five Mile Pond at Camp Cachalot in Plymouth, MA this afternoon.
#mallard #ducks #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #fivemilepond #plymouth #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #campcachalot
#mallard #ducks #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #fivemilepond #plymouth #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #campcachalot
Northern Harrier at DNRT's Ocean View Farm this afternoon.
#northernharrier #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #dartmouth #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
#northernharrier #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #dartmouth #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
Very quiet over at Allens Pond today; swans and a few ducks way out on the pond, and a single Great Blue Heron that I was never able to get close to since every time I got anywhere near him someone else came down the trail and spooked him.
#heron #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #massaudubon #allenspond #audubonsociety #audubon #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #westport #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
#heron #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #massaudubon #allenspond #audubonsociety #audubon #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #westport #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
A nonbreeding adult Bonarparte's Gull dodging the surf
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #westport #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #gooseberryisland
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #westport #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #gooseberryisland
Juvenile Harp Seal resting on the beach at Gooseberry Island in Westport today (I kept my distance—these are cropped from shots with 840mm worth of lens.)
#pinniped #harpseal #mammal #westport #gooseberryisland #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
#Pinniped #harpseal #mammal #westport #gooseberryisland #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
Mallard taking flight.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #norfolk #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #massaudubon #audubonsociety #audubon #massaudubonstonybrook
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #norfolk #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #massaudubon #audubonsociety #audubon #massaudubonstonybrook
Red squirrel poking around under the feeders at Mass Audubon Stony Brook.
#wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #massaudubon #audubonsociety #audubon #stonybrook
#wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #massaudubon #audubonsociety #audubon #stonybrook
Yeah, yeah, it's invasive Phragmites. Doesn't mean it can't be photogenic.
#wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #westporttownfarm #westport #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #trustees
#wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #westporttownfarm #westport #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #trustees
Apparently, all I need to do to spot Merlins is head out for a hike when the light is lousy. This guy was happy to perch on one of the big evergreens down by the river at Westport Town Farm for a while, but the sun was low and behind clouds.
#wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #westport #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #birds
#wildlife #birdphotography #nature #trusteesofreservations
#wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #westport #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #trusteesofreservations
A few from yesterday's hike out at @dnrt_org's Ocean View Farm reserve: Northern Mockingbird, a Northern Harrier, and one of a half-dozen Turkey Vultures.
#birds #wildlife
#birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #dartmouth #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #dartmouth #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
Day four of Merlin chasing. Except, it's not a Merlin. Managed to get it in better light, although not any closer, and it's actually an American Kestrel. Northern Mockingbirds and a White-Tailed Deer wandering around today, too.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #dartmouth #dnrt #oceanviewfarm
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #dartmouth #dnrt #oceanviewfarm
Day 3 of the Merlin maintaining his advantage and staying outside the useful limit of my lens. But, the House Sparrows and Northern Mockingbirds were a bit more cooperative.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #dartmouth #dnrt
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #dartmouth #dnrt
Eastern Screech Owl still hanging out where I spotted him last, and the Merlin that's been taunting me for the last couple of days, never getting close enough for a good shot.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife
A Dunlin and a Sanderling picking through slipper shells on the beach at Gooseberry Island in Westport, MA Sunday afternoon.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #westport #gooseberryisland
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #westport #gooseberryisland
Long-tailed Duck over by the causeway at Gooseberry Island today.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #westport
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #westport
Long-tailed Duck over by the causeway at Gooseberry Island today.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #westport
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #massachusettswildlife #westport
Northern Cardinal being skittish at DNRT Ocean View Farm today.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #dnrt #oceanviewfarm #massachusettswildlife
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #dnrt #oceanviewfarm #massachusettswildlife
Northern Cardinal being skittish at DNRT Ocean View Farm today.
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #dnrt #oceanviewfarm #massachusettswildlife
#birds #wildlife #birdphotography #nature #wildmassachusetts #naturalmassachusetts #massachusetts #dnrt #oceanviewfarm #massachusettswildlife