#Drought affects not only the appearance of plants🌿 but also their functioning. The team of Wantong Li &
René Orth could now disentangle these changes globally by analyzing satellite data🛰️ with machine-learning techniques. Published in
#drought #naturecommunications
@DrEvanGowan Agreed. Though #NatureMagazine knew exactly what they were doing… and intended/promoted that outcome. I say this also as someone who has published there and in #NatureCommunications — two journals that have lost credibility in my opinion, unfortunately, and I regret sending my science there (never have as a PI though). To be clear, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t good science being published there currently…
#naturecommunications #naturemagazine
Did we catch your attention with this adorable petrel chick? Oh good, now that we’ve got you…
#AdriftLab announce yet more ground-breaking #research alongside >100 international scientists. Published in #NatureCommunications, we compiled 3 huge datasets: #plastic ingested by 77 #seabirds, >1.6 million #tracking locations & plastic abundance in the #oceans. We used these data to answer the question: which species forage in areas of the ocean where large amounts of plastic have accumulated?
So, why does this matter? The results demonstrate that plastics exposure varies by species, location & season with threatened species being particularly vulnerable. Thus, large-scale collaborative teamwork is essential to identifying priorities, particularly important as the pace/scale of environmental change (including #PlasticPollution) is rapidly increasing & funding for mitigation isnt keeping pace. Thus, a detailed knowledge of when/where marine animals are most at risk of encountering plastics could not be more timely.
Paper free to download here ➡️ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38900-z
@SeabirdSentinel @SeabirdResearch
#AdriftLab #research #naturecommunications #plastic #seabirds #tracking #oceans #plasticpollution
Intestinal tissue replicated in a lab setting: Researchers from #CharitéBerlin & @MDC_Berlin have succeeded in reconstructing the intestinal glands (“crypts”) responsible for absorbing nutrients as a 3D cell culture. 🧫
The research team explains in #NatureCommunications how they produced the artificial crypts and what they learned from them about these structures’ impressive cellular self-organization abilities:
#chariteberlin #naturecommunications #medicine #intestine #sciencemastodon #charitepaper
Critical new article in #NatureCommunications indicates that the #Arctic will be #IceFree earlier than previously projected.
This is an #OpenAcess article. We must find a way to overcome governmental inertia and move toward lower emissions now.
#naturecommunications #arctic #icefree #openacess #climatecrisis
‘Simulations and Experiments Reveal Unprecedented Detail about Water's Motion in Salt Water’
#ScienceNews #ScienceDaily #NewYorkUniversity #AlexejJerschow #NYUDepartmentOfChemistry
“Ions in a water-based solution are typically surrounded by four to six water molecules, but it is not well understood to what extent these molecules move as a unit and how much motion the water molecules experience.
“Testing #SaltWater over a wide range of concentrations and temperatures, and combining experimental data and computer simulations, the researchers observed that water molecules wiggle around the sodium and chloride ions at an extremely rapid pace—more than a trillion times a second. In addition, it was previously assumed that ions move together with surrounding solvent molecules as a unit, but the experiment showed that this is not the case; instead, the water molecules wiggle much faster than the ion-water complex.”
The findings, published in #NatureCommunications, will allow researchers to build more reliable models for predicting ion dynamics, which could be used for a variety of scientific endeavors, from improving rechargeable batteries to MRIs.
#sciencenews #ScienceDaily #newyorkuniversity #alexejjerschow #nyudepartmentofchemistry #saltwater #naturecommunications
Very impressive.
#Bioinformatics based #Bioprospecting to identify #hydrolase enzymes with #plastic #PET (polyethylene terephthalate) #biodegradation capabilities.
This new research in #NatureCommunications allows identification of novel hydrolases from four bacterial phyla with expressed enzymes showing activity across pH4.5 to 9 and from 30 to 70 degrees C.
#bioinformatics #bioprospecting #hydrolase #plastic #pet #biodegradation #naturecommunications #plasticpollution #circulareconomy
My most recent publication :) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-32637-x “Genomic insights into rapid speciation within the world’s largest tree genus Syzygium”, in #NatureCommunications #phylogenetics #phylogenomics #genomics #speciation #botany #plants #bioinformatics #DNA
#naturecommunications #phylogenetics #Phylogenomics #genomics #speciation #botany #plants #bioinformatics #dna
My most recent publication :) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-32637-x “Genomic insights into rapid speciation within the world’s largest tree genus Syzygium”, in #NatureCommunications
#LondonMito #RareDiseaseDiagnosis #WholeGenomeSequencing #Multidusciplinary #Nature #NatureCommunications #OpenAccess
#londonmito #rarediseasediagnosis #wholegenomesequencing #multidusciplinary #nature #naturecommunications #openaccess
#Health #SocialMedia
> In a #study published today in #NatureCommunications, the researchers show that, in #UK data, #girls experience a negative link between #SocialMedia use and life satisfaction when they are 11-13 years old and #boys when they are 14-15 years old.
> Increased social media use again predicts lower life satisfaction at age 19 years.
> At other times the link was not statistically significant
#boys #girls #uk #naturecommunications #study #socialmedia #health