On a calm sunny morning, watching the behaviour of three quite different nectar-feeders on the flavour-of-the-week #wildflower here, "Red Deadnettle", more accurately Lamium purpureum, carpets of it on previously exposed ground.
The common solitary " #bumblebees" flying in bezier-shaped arcs, testing one flower on a head, and if dissatisfied, moving on at ground-level at least another metre in the same gentle arcs.
A common hive-type #bee, flying nearest-stem-to-nearest in fairly straight lines, walking from flower-to-flower on a stem, testing every one.
A large #hoverfly with a globular shiny brown abdomen, most amusing: tests one flower, leaps backwards 5cm, flies precisely circumferentially around the same floret always facing it, pounces on the next flower at 90°; repeat.... pings to vantage point 1 metre up, looks for the next flower-head.
#wildflower #bumblebees #bee #hoverfly #portugal #naturediary
Morning nature drawing in my nature diary to start the day. #naturediary #nature #drawing #Bega
#naturediary #nature #drawing #bega
Finished my 2022 Nature Diary. 365 days of daily nature drawing each morning. This was a challenge I set myself and turned into a habit. Now I will do 2023. #nature #naturediary #diaries