New NIOO publication: New paths for #modelling #freshwater nature futures. #sustainablewateruse #freshwaterecosystems #naturefuturesframework #ipbes
#modelling #freshwater #sustainablewateruse #freshwaterecosystems #naturefuturesframework #ipbes
RT @resilienceSci
Operationalizing the @ipbes #NatureFuturesFramework
in landscape model of NE Japan
1 exploring nature-positive futures
2 identify alternative pathways for targets satisfying visions of plural values
3 screening key direct drivers to achieve the targets.
RT @AKWALisette
Such an inspiring day, operationalizing the #NatureFuturesFramework for the waterscape of Rotterdam. Together with a diverse group of stakeholders we started outlining desired futures! Thanks #wateraliantie for hosting us! #naturebasedsolutions @NICHES_project @ipbes
#NatureBasedSolutions #wateraliantie #naturefuturesframework