2023/03/18 鮎もどし自然公園 @対馬・長崎 vertical https://www.alojapan.com/754853/2023-03-18%e3%80%80%e9%ae%8e%e3%82%82%e3%81%a9%e3%81%97%e8%87%aa%e7%84%b6%e5%85%ac%e5%9c%92%e3%80%80%e5%af%be%e9%a6%ac%e3%83%bb%e9%95%b7%e5%b4%8e%e3%80%80vertical/
2023/03/18 鮎もどし自然公園 @対馬・長崎 vertical #鮎もどし #公園 #鮎もどし自然公園 #帰郷 #対馬 #長崎 #park #naturepark #naturalpark #tsushima #nagasaki 🏝️ _/_/_/ 蒲鉾さちこ – ある春の日に···
#Nagasaki #Nagasakidestinations #Nagasakitour #Nagasakitravel #Nagasakitrip #nagasakivacation #長崎
#鮎もどし #公園 #鮎もどし自然公園 #帰郷 #対馬 #長崎 #park #naturepark #naturalpark #tsushima #nagasaki #nagasakidestinations #nagasakitour #nagasakitravel #nagasakitrip #nagasakivacation
How to #restore a human and a #beagle: more than 2 hrs #forest #walk with mountain views, 200-year-old #oaks and wonderful air. And for the #dog, a track paradise, deer droppings to snack on and wild boar poop to roll around in (could "shift" him away in the last minute). No smartphone, no photos. Silence. Well, nearly: we met one forest worker and another hiker. That's nearly overpopulated there. #NaturePark #VosgesDuNord #BiosphereReserve (Photos of early spring 2020) #ThickTrunkThursday
#thicktrunkthursday #BiosphereReserve #VosgesDuNord #naturepark #dog #oaks #walk #forest #beagle #restore
Even in the darkest #winter, there are #colours in our #naturepark #VosgesDuNord. You find them on #wood, mostly #DeadWood. #WinterSolstice #fungi #lichensubscribe
#GreenElfcup Chlorociboria aeruginascens (blueish-green), #DryRot (brown) and #YellowScale (yellow).
The beautiful yellow #lichen Xanthoria parietina is resistant to #pollution and used as a #biomonitor for heavy metals and #nitrogen pollution. You find it often near agriculture because it looks for high nitrogen levels in the air.
#nitrogen #biomonitor #pollution #lichen #yellowscale #dryrot #greenelfcup #lichensubscribe #fungi #wintersolstice #Deadwood #wood #VosgesDuNord #naturepark #colours #winter
My circulation today is a wild wave (10° warmer outside) and the roads are slippery. So I grab my inspirational manager Bilbo and head into the #forest. Afterwards, I'll treat myself to a good book and work double time tomorrow. Being a freelancer must have one advantage!
Wait ... it's work. Because in my next podcast episode I'll talk about #nature and #selfcare in times of #ecoGrief
#forestwalk #oaks #oak #beagle #dogsofmastodon #hiking #NaturePark #VosgesDuNord #Alsace
#alsace #VosgesDuNord #naturepark #hiking #dogsofmastodon #beagle #oak #oaks #forestwalk #ecogrief #selfcare #nature #forest
Minus 10°C in the #naturepark #VosgesDuNord, grey fog swallows up the white landscape and the birds are miserably hungry. I already fill the feeders a couple of times a day.
My dog Bilbo doesn't want to walk in the sharp wind. I should better #embroider some #paperart #butterflies as #soulwarmers?
#NatureArt #wildStitching #intuitiveStitching #lepidopterology #ArtistOfMastodon #art #BiodiversityShrines #embroidery #InspiredByNature #AtelierTetebrec
#ateliertetebrec #inspiredbynature #embroidery #biodiversityshrines #art #artistofmastodon #lepidopterology #intuitivestitching #wildstitching #natureart #soulwarmers #butterflies #paperart #embroider #VosgesDuNord #naturepark
Today is one of those days when nothing works in the #country. And there is noise everywhere: chainsaws, tractors, circular saws, tractors. (There is a #tractor race track under my office window). I always tell myself then that I live where other people go on holiday.😁
#NaturePark #ParcNaturel #VosgesDuNord #Vosges #VosgesMountains #countrylife
#countrylife #vosgesmountains #vosges #VosgesDuNord #parcnaturel #naturepark #tractor #country
I was in #nature with the #dog for over 2 hours. We saw one person with 2 dogs on the hill facing us. It was deserted and quiet. Everyone else was struggling through the supermarkets.
#dogsofmastodon #beagle #forestwalk #hiking #NaturePark #VosgesDuNord #Vosges
#vosges #VosgesDuNord #naturepark #hiking #forestwalk #beagle #dogsofmastodon #dog #nature
Goudhaan ~ Goldcrest
#nietzondernatuur #bird #nature #naturepark
#naturepark #nature #bird #nietzondernatuur
Good to see that there are some fantastic organisations working on creating the #NaturePark let us know when you are here! #RHS #NaturalHistoryMuseum #LearningThroughLandscapes #RGS we are keen to support.
#naturepark #RHS #NaturalHistoryMuseum #learningthroughlandscapes #rgs
Rode Wouw ~ red kite
#nietzondernatuur #bird #Hunter #nature #naturepark
#naturepark #nature #Hunter #bird #nietzondernatuur
Buizerd-Buzzard in de #Oostvaardersplassen
#birds #nietzondernatuur #naturepark
#naturepark #nietzondernatuur #birds #Oostvaardersplassen