I think I found the voting results for the #natureRestaurationLaw
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/PV-9-2023-07-12-RCV_FR.pdf (page 52)
This could the be law text:
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2023-0277_EN.html#title1 - which include some interesting parts like mentioning some specific birds :D
#biodiversity #nature #eu #euparliament #naturerestaurationlaw
#ManfredWeber got the braintrust behind the #EPP 's brilliant #NatureRestaurationLaw memeing campaign to use the #eleccionesgenerales hashtag and try to idk... @ #PedroSanchez into delivering #Spain to a #PPVOX coalition with the far-right? 🤣
#23J #PPE #delendaest #electionsSpain #EuropeanParliament #UE #EU #europol #europolitics
#ManfredWeber #EPP #naturerestaurationlaw #eleccionesgenerales #pedrosanchez #spain #ppvox #23j #ppe #delendaest #electionsspain #europeanparliament #ue #eu #europol #europolitics
Between the #NatureRestaurationLaw and #DGCOMP gate we've had quite the #eurosummer in terms of nirmies starting to pay attention to the #EU ...
Once more, with feeling:
#naturerestaurationlaw #dgcomp #eurosummer #eu
While some of our amendments softened the radical #NatureRestaurationLaw, it remains too inflexible and plagued by green tunnel vision.
ECR MEP @Rob_Roos dissects the law, that narrowly escaped rejection today, and what it means for Member States like the Netherlands.
Read! ⤵️ https://t.co/H7jnQhAafi
@wolfmaahn ... und nun können die Verhandlungen zwischen Parlament, Rat und Kommission starten (Trilog).
Da kann noch einiges im #NatureRestaurationLaw verschlimmbessert werden...
... oder auch tatsächlich verbessert für die Natur.
BREAKING! Das #NatureRestaurationLaw wurde angenommen! 💚DANKE an alle, die unermüdlich dafür gekämpft haben! @Gruene_Europa@twitter.com
Herzliche Einladung zur Online-Infoveranstaltung zum #NatureRestaurationLaw und den unter Parlamentariern verbreiteten Fehlnformationen!
VON: @S4F und
ZEIT: Dienstag, 4.7., 20 Uhr
ORT: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86359422030 (englisch).
#RestoreNature #naturerestaurationlaw
Looks like the Nature Restoration Law will be left by the side of the road.
#EU #naturerestaurationlaw #franstimmermans
Die EU Mitgliedstaaten haben gerade FÜR das #NatureRestaurationLaw gestimmt.