#EU lawmakers narrowly pass ' #NatureRestorationBill ' | DW News #ExtrêmeUrgenceClimatique #pollution #écologie #environnement #climat https://youtu.be/eqWYFVjHnUQ
#eu #naturerestorationbill #extremeurgenceclimatique #pollution #ecologie #environnement #climat
Nature restoration: Green Pact under threat after vote in European Parliament.
On Tuesday, the European Legislative Assembly's Environment Committee voted to reject the Nature Restoration Bill. The political right is trying to convince governments on its side to call for a pause in the implementation of the Green Pact.
#EU #EP #EuropeanParliament #NatureRestorationBill #GreenPact #Nature #Environment
#Environment #Nature #greenpact #naturerestorationbill #europeanparliament #ep #EU