Sea-blite flowers are an example of a minimalist flower. Sepals only, no petals, 5 stamen with pollen and 2 stigmas.
It must work as the plants are generally annuals and return from seed each year. I'm constantly amazed that these plants inundated by the tide have flowers and are successfully pollinated.
Not sure if this qualifies for #Bloomscrolling though?
#Saltmarsh #plants #flowers #NatureRestorationFund #NatureScot
#bloomscrolling #SaltMarsh #plants #flowers #naturerestorationfund #naturescot
This is what a fragmented saltmarsh looks like and why we at Green Shores are working to restore saltmarshes to full health. The depth of soil the saltmarsh can make is impressive!
However, the energy from the sea (especially during storms) is enough to break up the leading edge of the saltmarsh, allowing further erosion.
By planting native species, the natural saltmarsh can regrow and spread.
#Saltmarsh #HabitatRestoration #NatureRestorationFund #NatureScot #Coast #Scotland
#SaltMarsh #HabitatRestoration #naturerestorationfund #naturescot #coast #scotland
This was an important tool today, a bee remover and rescuer, it was on hand to help persuade the bees back out of the polytunnel when they accidentally flew in. One bee in particular was quite happy to stay on the rose bay willow herb.
#GreenShores #PlantHub #NatureRestorationFund #NatureScot
#bees #greenshores #planthub #naturerestorationfund #naturescot
Another good session at the plant hub potting on Bolboschoenus maritimus (sea club rush) stock plants for saltmarsh restoration sites.
Volunteers doing great work again, despite having to relocate outside, as it was too hot in the polytunnel! Great to see some new growth on the previously potted on plants too.
#saltmarshes #volunteering #NatureRestorationFund #NatureScot @plants
#saltmarshes #volunteering #naturerestorationfund #naturescot
This is Grass-leaved Orache, a salt tolerant plant with long roots to hold fast when the tides come in, and an ability to excrete salt from it's leaves. Grass leaved orache also has tolerance to drought and high temperatures.
It's seeds are food for birds and it's flowers, though petal-less are very pretty. #Saltmarsh #biodiversity #NatureScot #NatureRestorationFund #flowers
#SaltMarsh #biodiversity #naturescot #naturerestorationfund #flowers
Sea Asters (Aster tripolium) are just starting to flower this week on the Eden Estuary saltmarshes.
One of the many plants that make a home on the edge of Sea and Land.
#Saltmarsh #biodiversity #NatureScot #NatureRestorationFund
#SaltMarsh #biodiversity #naturescot #naturerestorationfund
Another productive session at the plant hub today. We managed to split and pot up so many stock plants that we ran out of pots and tray space to put them in. Great work from the poly tunnel team.
#NatureScot #NatureRestorationFund #Saltmarsh #volunteers
#naturescot #naturerestorationfund #SaltMarsh #volunteers
Another warm day in the polytunnel, lots of Sea Club-Rush (Bolboshoenus maritimus) split for growing on as stock for establishing new saltmarsh. Excellent work from volunteers again, good company & cake!
#naturescot #NatureRestorationFund #volunteers #saltmarsh
#naturescot #naturerestorationfund #volunteers #SaltMarsh
#Introduction: Hello! this is the account for the Green Shores project, where we will be sharing news, volunteering opportunities and pictures about this saltmarsh conservation and restoration project, based in Scotland over three sites: the Eden and Tay Estuaries and in Dornoch Firth.
This project has been made possible thanks to funding from #NatureScot and St Andrews University.
#Saltmarsh #Restoration #NatureSolutions #CarbonSequestration #Scotland
#introduction #naturescot #SaltMarsh #restoration #naturesolutions #carbonsequestration #scotland
'It seems that the leadership at NatureScot would prefer to be talking to private financiers than using its powers to reduce deer numbers...'
'what does this matter if the Scottish Government has been hijacked by financial interests and the real agenda is to use public money (leveraging) to enable “investors to generate sustainable returns”? '
#CarbonCredits #rewilding #Scotlland #NatureScot
#naturescot #scotlland #rewilding #carboncredits
How many #beavers are really being shot in #Scotland ?
Are we a country that turns the other way and refuses to see the brutality inflicted on wild animals by a small percentage of our population? Or do we look it full in the face, and demand better?
That is the question now facing Scotland, on so many fronts. That is the question now facing #NatureScot on the #beaver front
#beaver #naturescot #scotland #beavers
Cold water immersion in the best of places, Scotland. #ColdWaterSwimming #coldwater #nature #naturescot #peace #slow #meditation
#meditation #slow #peace #naturescot #nature #coldwater #coldwaterswimming
This support for Loch Arkaig is just fantastic news for the west Highlands and all of Scotland. Potentially one of the finest remnants of ancient pine wood receiving some serious investment. A real community effort involved to get to this stage - chapeau Arkaig Community Forest, Woodland Trust and Achnacarry Estate.
Well done @lornaslater
#Lochaber #NatureScot #ClimateDiary #ScottishHighlands #WoodlandRestoration #Woodland #Trees #Biodiversity #LochArkaig
#LochArkaig #biodiversity #trees #woodland #woodlandrestoration #scottishhighlands #climatediary #naturescot #lochaber
"Projects across the country to expand forests, restore habitats, protect threatened species & improve resilience to climate change have been awarded a share of £7.6m from the Scottish Government’s Nature #Restoration Fund.
This round is focused on supporting large-scale projects with grants in excess of £250,000, including multi-year projects that run up to 2026.
#Scotland #NatureScot #ClimateChange
#restoration #scotland #naturescot #climatechange
A piece on the new design of #peatlandr #restoration course developed by #SRUC and #NatureScot was on #BBC #FarmingToday this morning
#peatlandr #restoration #sruc #naturescot #bbc #farmingtoday
And of course #dotScot not just for humans - #photographs from the story section of our website ( Thanks #castlehunter #historicenvironmentscotland #eriskayponysociety #naturescot #Tuesday
#tuesday #naturescot #eriskayponysociety #historicenvironmentscotland #castlehunter #photographs #dotscot
Deer and the continued destruction of the Caledonian Pine Forest - the failures on the Dulnain - parkswatchscotland
#Brewdog #ScottishForestry #deer #fencing #WoodlandCreationGrant
➡️ #destruction of #Scotland’s #CaledonianPineForest remnants
#SSSI’s need protection #NatureScot
#BiodiversityCrisis #naturescot #sssi #caledonianpineforest #scotland #destruction #woodlandcreationgrant #fencing #deer #scottishforestry #brewdog
This week's #FridayFeature is of Glen Affric in the fog of winter by Instagrammer Nigel Collister, capturing one of our largest ancient Caledonian pine woods.
Like a chance to feature across our channels? Tag us or use #NatureScot
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📍Dean Plantation, Dunfermline
I love this season, visiting the woods after a period of heavy rainfall and looking out for some funky fungi ! 🍄
Show me your recent finds !
#scotland #mushroomtwitter #mushroom #fungi #dunfermline #naturescot #nature
#nature #naturescot #dunfermline #fungi #mushroom #mushroomtwitter #scotland